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  1. But i would like to talk to others in district chat, so deactivating it, isnt an option. And talking to others is impossible when there are the same messages in cyrillic with capslock for more than 5 times in 10 seconds.
  2. Thats right. But only because they are more now, means that we have to accept this cyrill spam or learn cyrill? So we Germans have to learn arabic because they are getting more and more?! It's not that hard to implement chat channels. So why not releasing them? If u want to read Russian, u can switch to the Russian chat channel. If u want to read german, u can find it in the german chat channel. The chat channel is much more sorted with channels. And i think there are more people joining the game in the future, so the spam will be even more.
  3. I can understand you. But isn't it fair if everybody can play and talk to others, without getting annoyed by others? Its the server for europa, russians had their own but they stopped it. This is not our fault. So they come to us and want to be adopted. If I'd bring a similar comparison, everybody would call me a racist xd
  4. Hello, as most of the players can see in the district chat, there are lots of russian that just spam in cyrillic, and mostly in capsed cyrill. I was talking to many players, that don't understand russian, and all of them said, that it is annoying to see their spam. So my suggestion would be, to add chat channels into the game. 1 channel for latin letters only, and maybe 1 or 2 for those cyrill + latin letters, so russians can write there, and nobody else is feeling annoyed. I hope you add this to your list and we'll see my suggestion live when the game is updated. Please write your opinion about that suggestion into the comment section. If you vote for no, please let me know why this shouldn't be added to apb. Regards Tim
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