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Posts posted by Skidg

  1. if you use an overlay so that there is a sight, EAC will recognize + - after fifteen minutes, but if you use, for example, something from steam, then EAC will not be able to do anything


    EAC is not perfect, but to ban for trying to draw a beautiful symbol, in my opinion, is stupid




    crosshair V2 was tested in the game Crossout, which also has EAC, there was no ban after 5 hours of continuous play

  2. I am writing with the help of a translator so there may be errors

    while watching a YouTube video, I saw a very beautiful symbol and decided to Google how to make about the same. Having found the answer, I downloaded the app and started trying to draw, after fifteen minutes I was kicked out and banned forever

    the app itself is simply placed on top of other apps and shows an image

    here is the video itself





    if I'm writing to the wrong section, then I'm sorry

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