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Everything posted by MhemadEgb

  1. Hi, 3 of my friends (who play APB of course) have missing items from their inventory that they bought. First of all I know you fixed a bug where contacts sold CAP-40 and VBR temptress for free lifetime, and the second maintenance session you had yesterday (11.8) was supposed to fix that, In your "fix" you succeeded to take back all the free weapons players got, BUT, you also (on accident I suppose) took away other items from player that they actually bought that night (or had it for a couple of months in their inventory). They have opened support tickets for you in order to explain to you in details what they have missing from their inventory. Since I have some background in "coding, databases ..", you might've rolled your one of databases of in-game inventories to the latest saved "snapshot" of players inventories, But please note that if a player bought something with G1C to JT and then bought with these JTs a vehicle, this player will lose all the G1C and JTs and vehicle , please respond ASAP, since we're addicted to this game
  2. MhemadEgb

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    Same problem here for me and all my friends
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