I've reinstalled APB Reloaded today after many years and I was getting back on track trying to remember how to play and do things. When I got to the music booth, I tried making new music but I couldn't put in any notes. A player tried to help me step by step in seeing if I was doing something wrong but when he was explaining to me how to make patterns and add notes we realized it had to be bugged. I've opened a tech support ticket and now I'm writing it here.
Screenshot in URL: https://p13.zdusercontent.com/attachment/2271649/BKQ0iiPXVj2UVhdfuHQqq3aQq?token=eyJhbGciOiJkaXIiLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4Q0JDLUhTMjU2In0..DSaWVr8OUKP7ux0JXQo0hg.qw19mfDsbzWtwLKvxIrS8FCvloW4oyqAw9QN5mJ_gc74RH9YiXU74VkoP24n4XVLyZu86jLL3IhKSyMhTh1GrU8kUfJpNiBq49k3prL2qCG-jy3jL5-viIc502_QkvdD2jBuGI5cdpBYbS7OLjiSUdIB0T8OdqgKxosxBQ1FwpM-g1BMkKNI44U1ta4t3lGzMRM-LPwNaAMYQh5tuPV_zt04doUrf-RKzPFpV_fsA0BaOmh4YQ9MQTHz5SS_omFy01e8C6QaD26f70dmD6CFLYK-wnGzSP8CHkxuCcAAiayQU8q2w7V9iGY5Cv7bomtC.czQ-v3eC-VSrXcu_oZnzfw