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Posts posted by Jojolan

  1. I started playing the December alpha and I'm about an hour in (just got to the opus where you can start customizing the boys)

    Overall the game feels intuitive and harkens back to the old school days of FFT.

    The environments are gorgeous.

    The music is alright to good and has a good fit for the theme yall are going for.

    The world design is interesting and I want to know more about it.  
    This has the feel of a game I'll come to love when it opens up, but it has some rough edges at the moment.

    Biggest piece of feedback is game speed
    Animations feel super slow.  A dream improvement would be to add a button/hotkey to 1.5x or 2x game speed (leaves music unaffected) like the trails in the sky series.

    Other criticisms I noted during playback:
    -Early levels feel overly simplistic, since I don't need to make use of any healing, and I can't do anything but attack and cleave.  This is further exacerbated because I can't reposition enemies on my own, so I feel pretty on rails for at least the first hour.  
    -A hotkey to end turn and choose direction (wasd?)
    -A way to check enemy move range / attack range would be grand
    -Combat prediction boxes above enemy heads are real hard to read and understand at a glance.
    -Actions and movement being called "movement turn" and "action turn" isn't something I'm fond of and winds up sounding confusing when describing it
    -In terms of pacing the song mechanic was taught to me in the 2nd fight but I still can't trigger it, so I'm not sure why it was brought up.

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