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  1. Well long story short i figured out with the help of someone else by deleting all Microsoft Visual c++ 2005-2008 distributions, And then reinstalling a particular one again that it fixed it temporarely. Fast forward to today cold boot up and the error is back ... So im gonna look if doing the same thing again will fix it again as a workaround maybe. Think it has something to do with windows 10 update maybe, because i was playing fine few days ago. It could corrup the file or something wierd when shutting down the pc. If this doesnt work then im all out of idea's prob time to fresh install win 10 again. Or maybe finally time for a new pc (going strong 8y now)
  2. Game was working fine yesterday (14 -jul-2020). Started the game up today and the battleye laucnher threw this error. If ignoring this and going ingame whenever i am in a district the game lags (to the point of freezing sometimes) when: Typing, Jumping around, Shooting. Any one who has a fix for this? I already rebooted multiple times, tried repair in the launcher, looked online what the file its trying to load does and got nothing specific related to apb or battleye ... Sigh only got a few hours of free time in the evening to play apb atm and this bug just made the game unplayable.
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