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Posts posted by Asymmetr1a

  1. Keylen.
    She has an unpleasant past. She was born into a poor family, where they told her that she could do nothing. But Kaylen is not a simple character, she began to work hard on herself. She began to learn different types of martial arts, develop thinking and other abilities. After a lot of hard work, she was noticed. At a certain point, she moved out of her small town without telling anyone. All because she was hired by the CIA. She became the best agent, the authority for many. But at one point, another agent with an unknown name did not like it, he decided to put her in her place, cruelly setting her up. He was cunning, so Kaylen could not justify herself to her superiors. Our heroine no longer saw a future in the security services, so she killed the traitor and escaped. She had connections in San Paro, which we already know, where she was welcome. But Kaylen can't trust anyone but himself.



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