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Posts posted by matija113

  1. Screenshot_45.pngScreenshot_46.png


    Well i entered the contest for s**ts and giggles, if I didn't win then well i enjoyed trying as best as I could to create a contact that could kind of stand out and at the same time fit in with the joker crew.


    ~~Who the f*#k is she?? ~~

    That's Sara Slack ... yes slack.. you start making fun of that she just might knock your teeth out. 

    She's a clever girl, a good tactician who knows how to create an advantage in every situation. 

    In her career she's made a lot of arrest on the big and small "fish". 

    One day she had Michael Simeone in her grasp but the gang came in last second before her backup and she got pinned and had to escape somehow this is the day which criminals are still confused about.. how did she get out?? 

    She escaped the situation with injuries but Michael was rescued by his crew. The fact that her backup was that late and careless really pissed her off.

    But because of the injuries she had to stand down in the fight, or the city might lose one of their best enforcers. So she decided to retire and is trying to get a job at Joker where she would still make a difference in the war while recovering from her injuries. 

    I don't know... maybe after the recovery she might stay at the Jokers.. Who knows ; )


    The end






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