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Posts posted by Kyder99

  1. Dude, same thing with me! I had AutoHotKey for maybe a day or two back when my PC was Windows 7 for another game, but I didn't like it so I uninstalled it and stopped any scripts.


    I upgraded my PC to Windows 10 and while I was playing APB for a few weeks just fine in May, I came back to a BattleEye install on the recent update and now I get booted when changing guns in my inventory. Why the hell is this happening? I've checked everything I can and don't run a VPN, don't have any scripts and don't have it even installed.


    My mouse and keyboard are Razer products which have macro capabilities but I don't have any on them. Is there any word on how to fix this? I literally just returned to the game in May, found it fun, even bought a few cosmetics and now I can't even run the game because of an update!?

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