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  1. Olá, gostaria de saber por favor, em quais consoles o apb reloaded roda? Eu tenho essa pergunta e não consigo encontrar uma resposta em nenhum lugar, quero comprar um console que possa jogar apb recarregado também
  2. I very much doubt that there will be any major updates, as promised years ago, this is just to stall the players, I have no doubt that at the end of the year, they won't shut down the servers at once, giving up after many promises, Jericho it is completely abandoned, in the Citadel, the GM is almost every day on, talking, in Jericho he appears every four years, besides the Brazilians who suffer having to play with the server locked, ping high, the Citadel hacks still come to put an end to the little fun that's left, and for those who keep saying "stop complaining and look for another game", suck me, for you it's easy to talk with a full server and low ping
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