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Posts posted by slvyt

  1. Welcome Sakebee hope your enjoying your new role and as a reminder this community can be a little too harsh at times so don't take anything too personally, this game has pretty much went through development hell over the years so some peoples patients on things are at an all time low and people will get snippy quite easily at times just remain smart and level headed with responding to those kind of people and you should be good. 

  2. 37 minutes ago, TheMessiah said:

    i tried to copy this male charecter but i cant even make this black lines straight.Idk if im bad or this designer thing is sht(1st probably)



    that would be a cool costume. and It's likely the designer its very finicky like even when you re-project them on the angle you want it, it doesn't always work out or you have to like layer them in a way it just a lot of trial and error.

  3. I have kinda mixed feeling about this especially the future of APB Reloaded. Like If you do decide to make a "New" APB  can you still make the game look and feel like a APB game but just with another name or will that wont even be possible? If so then that good so you aren't totally limiting yourself. but if not i think this might have been a bad move in the long run. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Poperon said:

    I hope (I HOPE A LOT) you guys tweak the maps in the future, once everything is finished. By tweaking i mean, add new places for us to get inside while in missions.

    There are a whole bunch of building laying around, and just a few that we can really get inside. It doesn't need to be a PUBG like "get inside every building possible", but a GTA-esque "get inside some more buildings than what is possible now" would do!

    New props, we need new props too!
    And being possible to sit on benches, and other stuff too! San Paro is a beautiful city, i want to sit on a bench next to the boat area, and eat my burgers peacefully! ha!

    This is something that would most likely happen when we are in Unreal 4 and not Unreal 3.5. but i do agree I would love to be able to go in more buildings and be able to sit in seats and what not.

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