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  1. did you not read what i said, just add a solo que only district along side the current districts, its not that complicated 1. Do not allow players to group outside of Social District Terrible idea, so make the game less convenient for people for no reason? 2. Only allow district map selection, not direct connection to an instance. Also not a good idea, players like choosing which region they get for ping reasons, if u had to only join by district select the game wouldnt even manage to get 1 full district going 3. If there are enough players, dynamically phase them in-between missions according to their group ELO Phasing is a meme and shouldnt be implemented in this game, its an mmo with an open world not an instance based arena shooter. 4. Depending on server population, modulate the maximum group size between 2 and 4+ Seems like an unecessary step, and having this be dynamic would confuse players who want to group up with each other beforehand, "oh looks like we cant group today, the dynamic group size is only 2 right now! haha see you tomorrow" yeah no 5. Until the current mission stage has less than 3 minutes, always allow to call backup. It should be you cant call backup on the last stage of the mission. but if you are on any previous stage that isnt the last stage, you can call it
  2. which is why i suggested to open a solo que district alongside the current districts and you just let the players choose what they want to play
  3. why is solo que district a bad idea?
  4. the gamesize issue is more of a personal preference, but something like that can only be achieved with a much bigger population, i think the main issue they need to focus on is how to make the game playable for casual players
  5. IMO as a former try hard "top" player, they should just create a mission district FOR CASUALS, aka a solo que mode, and a mission district for organized play, you would see a giant influx of casuals to the game and this is all that needs to be done to solve the games problems, you dont need a new game mode Merged. To summarize my solution Implement solo-que only districts where you are not allowed to group up to ready for missions Implement group-que only districts where you are forced to be in a group or you cannot ready up (groupsize 2+ is fine) you could have 2 separate skill groups one for solo and one for group but I don't think this is necessary monitor the population, don't force people to play in these districts, just open them up as options players can join and make their choice at will while RETAINING the current districts where you can either solo que or group que
  6. mission districts are the core mode of the game and always have been, you need to play them to unlock things, level up your skills, everything, of course many people play solo missions for this reason alone, i'm telling you the reason this game is dead is because newer players are forced to que up into groups , IMO make the GROUPS play vs other GROUPS if you want them to play, but its not balanced to have GROUPS play vs SOLOS it makes ZERO sense Merged. and by allowing GROUPS to que into SOLOS you are killing the game, killing the casual players off and you wont have anything left by the end of it, which is exactly what happened now Merged. the players that play in GROUPS together dont even have to be significantly better at the game, just the advantage of being in voice in this game is massive, its essentially mixing organized play with casual play, which is never a good thing for the health of the population of a game
  7. team based mission districts should be for a competitive only mode imo, you shouldnt mix the casual players with the try hard ones, you will just force the casual players to stop playing the game
  8. i dont see why the amount of players matters for creating a solo que district to be honest, it could be 400 average players or 4 million and its still way better
  9. This game should have a solo que district where you can only ready up as an individual and grouping is not allowed, every modern game has an ability to just jump in and play solo without having to care about other people's schedules etc etc, its unfair for new players, well any player really, to have to group up to enjoy the game, fix it. Part of the reason this game doesnt support a decent playerbase is because the newer players get bullied out by people grouping up with every armas item in the game, and playing on with voice comms to pub stomp every single casual player in the game to feel good about themselves because they are hardstuck gold in every single team based game that is actually competitive. Match making based solo que district would be great for the game and would attract people to play it without having to make it their full time job to enjoy the game, thanks
  10. baylifex

    game not updating

    game not updating https://gyazo.com/426eb77acd3b9d315690857c01b2799e ?
  11. lol u gotta be trollin right bro u guys have not responded to my ticket at all and i put it in at december 15th its absolutely pathetic
  12. i sent a ticket on December 15th and haven't gotten a response yet, why does it take 2 months for u guys to reply to tickets? pathetic
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