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Posts posted by Context

  1. On 1/23/2020 at 11:37 PM, Sakebee said:

    We've made some good progress on the support ticket front. You can check out our stats in the Tracking Customer Support thread, but as of last Saturday we are now down to an 18 day turnaround. As several players here have mentioned, support is your best avenue for legitimate claims. They will do everything they can to help. 


    One thing I can share is to be sure to check your support portal for responses from the team. One of the more common causes of extending the time to resolve a ticket is a delay in getting the information our CS team needs to solve your issue. 

    Once again, it ignores the EAC support.

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  2. 43 minutes ago, VickyFox said:

    While none of us know the details of what happened to your account, technically yes.

    Read the Terms of Service and you'll see that Little Orbit does reserve the right to terminate your account without prior warning or needing to give a reason for it. They are also under no obligation to give or even consider giving refunds.


    It's easier to say It's at our digression what you can and can't do and when, rather than writing an entire legal contract which defines every little detail should layers and courts have to get involved over a computer game account.


    MattScott admits that they are backlogged by months, a 4 month delay sounds about right. 

    It's not laziness, ignoring tickets or just not caring... They're working to maximum capacity and are trying catch up with the vast number of tickets coming in constantly.


  3. 21 hours ago, Salvick said:

    ^ Это единственная часть, я забочусь обо всем этом.

    Шутки в сторону, некоторое форматирование может помочь прочитать ваш пост немного лучше.

    Теперь, когда вы упоминаете, что есть люди, которых вы видели обманщиками в течение нескольких месяцев, похоже, что вы сравниваете их ситуацию с вашей, как будто люди, которых вы пытаетесь защитить, тоже обманывают, но их забанили, а не тех, на кого вы указали.

    Кроме того, нет смысла заявлять: «Я вижу, что люди со сторонним программным обеспечением играют», потому что у нас нет никакого способа узнать, используют ли они вообще что-либо, если только вы не используете какой-то вид взлома, который позволяет вам видеть их сквозь стены. и определить, является ли их поведение обманщиком.

    Было бы более разумно, если бы вы сказали что-то вроде: «Я вижу, как играют люди, которые, как я подозреваю, могут обманывать по причине x или y», а затем предоставляют сотрудникам информацию, которую вы имеете, чтобы они могли попытаться наблюдать то же поведение, что и вы. опишите и определите, кто-то обманывает или нет. У них есть больше инструментов для мониторинга активности игрока.

    Я пытаюсь сказать, что если вам нужно выяснить, почему ваш бан или вы хотите жаловаться или поделиться своим опытом в этом отношении, не смешивайте его с обвинениями других игроков в мошенничестве, потому что это только добавляет путаницы к вашему В целом ситуация в то время как вам нужно уточнить, что вы сделали, что может привести к бану. И ты должен знать, что это такое.

    Теперь, если вы захотите поделиться с нами, сообщество здесь, чтобы вы обсудили, какие действия на вашей стороне могли бы привести к бану.

    Кроме того, что сказал CookieP.

    I don't compare the situation to my own. I'm just trying to figure out what the attitude is to the players. Support does not respond for 4 months. Banned just like that, unknown reasons. I just give the facts, people do not hide cheats, but they do not banned.  they have no evidence, but they can't lift the ban. Believe it or not, I don't care. I know that I and the people I know blocked just like that.

    6 hours ago, ExoticZ said:

    Если вы или ваши друзья считаете, что вас забанили ложно, лучше всего отправить билет в службу поддержки. (Вы также можете попробовать сообщение LO Staff о разногласиях по поводу вашего предыдущего билета)

    Никто из нас, «форумчан», не может помочь с этим.


    Надеюсь, это сработает!

    The fact is that support ignores 4 months, no matter how much I write. And they can't do anything in support of little orbit.

  4. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    LO never banned the advanced launcher and allow config changes up to a point. 


    The unbans had nothing to do with bans occuring after that. 


    The only "launcher" that resulted in bans was a Russian one that allowed you to cheat. 


    Ban discussions usually aren't allowed, but basically you will be told you can't know if someone else was falsely banned. You can only know what you have or haven't done, and we have no way of knowing if you are being honest. 



    tl;dr support is your only avenue for this

    According to your logic, you can banned anyone. I repeat, at the time when the players were blocked, we did not use anything. Support ignores (EAC).

  5. Hello. In the course of recent events, I have some questions. This appeal is more to the administration of Little Orbit, but the community (players) can also write their opinion.
    I'll start with the relationship of the Little Orbit to the community (players). When they banned the use of Launchers or configs, they blocked a lot of players without warning. Later, Matt Scott explained this situation, allegedly by the fact that they will block for some Launcher or configs. Matt Scott also stated that players will be unlocked for the first time. (Although before all this, as Little Orbit acquired this game, Matt Scott said that he would make amendments to the account of blocking. Even on forum here once man wrote, ostensibly block will the first time not forever and to example ranging from five months and ending one year, Ah and then already forever. Naturally, depending on the violation.) It's not even that, let's go back to the moment when Matt Scott said that the players who were blocked will be unblocked in the next few days. After that, they blocked my account, and a few days later my friend's account. But during this period, we did not use anything or any Launchers. We submitted an application in support of Small Orbit, they responded 25 days later using the template as always, saying "write in support of Easy Anti Cheat, because they themselves do not have the authority to check and proceedings". Well, we wrote to the EAS, they did not really give any answer and still ignore the support (this is about 4 + months). That is, I have been playing since 2012, the funds invested, but so much time is wasted. The administration does not understand at all. This game is already scary to enter, and also real money to pay you for this attitude. Online and so there is no.
    Let's move on to the next one. Just yesterday, about ~ 10 people were blocked again (this is according to the stories of familiar people). Two of them are my personal acquaintances. The person was standing in the social district he was kicked from the area, the reason for the blockage and the period are not specified. The second person just went into the game and the same situation. And these people have from 2000 to 5000 hours. What's going on?
    Why for about five months I see people with third-party software (cheat, software) play a full squad in each district from 5 people with cheats. Why don't you see it? Put a person in the area at least for an hour to check for suspicious persons.
    I don't understand what this attitude is, without knowing anything you just block ordinary players? Would make some exception for guys of high ranks, with a large number hours, also transactions. I of course all understand, there is cheaters and among such people, but here indeed brad.

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