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Everything posted by HarshTruth

  1. HarshTruth


    With the Unreal Engine, there's a whole slew of anticheat options available (with wildly different levels of success),.. What Anticheat engine is going to used? I've played APB since the first week with changing worlds and I was so happy when GF saved it, but I quit playing early on due to the fact that there's an entire cottage industry around cheats that make the game I love 100% useless as a casual player. I got a "Free Trial" on a cheat mailed to me once (I'm assuming CW or GF leaked their user e-mails at one point) and "came back" and just played w/mapping/walls loaded to see how many people where doing impossible stuff (Changing direction to head off their enemies despite no line of site or radar) perfect snap aims, landing all shots even when falling, or colliding if shooting out of windows. And it was EASILY 25% of the people I watched over the course of 3 days. I'm sure a lot of people have it "dialed down" to avoid auto-detection so it's probably more so that was just the blatant people, so despite all the pissing/moaning to the contrary it IS a HUGE part of the community. I'd love to come back, but if the Anticheat isn't stellar, there's no point no matter how beautiful you make the game.
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