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Posts posted by DJ_scully

  1. I think the problem here is that 90% of the guns in the game openly lose to guns like the NTEC, ATAC, OCA, CR762, SR15 etc, making it really difficult to use what you actually want. The NTEC in itself isn't really that crazy of a gun, it is just REALLY good at doing a lot of things, which is almost impossible to find in something else (Don't quote some smart gun that you got 6 kills with that ONE time against Bronzes). People crutch on it so much, and its oppressive to vs, making it seem OP when its really about where it should be. Maybe we should be looking at changing some of the other guns in the game to cater for a faster play style, instead of trying to slow everything down. The game is meant to be played hard and fast, and it plays extremely well but only when you can actually compete against other people properly. I am not saying most guns are unusable, I am just saying in FC and silver districts, you will have a hard time getting kills against NTEC.

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