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About JustSam

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  1. JustSam

    Hey i need help

    any one how do i FIX it :< !?
  2. JustSam

    Hey i need help

    Oh. I am from Israel too. And how do you check it out?
  3. JustSam

    Hey i need help

    Yes but the problem is. I got into a server. Sitting in there for 5-10 minutes and then crashing. For example: Enter Social. Entered. Load, Load. I'm in the server. 5 minutes after a course
  4. JustSam

    Hey i need help

    Me and my friends have a problem. We get in the game and then 5 minutes after that the server shows up and doesn't work. We see people connected. We downloaded and reinstalled again. It's always been a week like this. something happened ? We join the a server and stil say we dc
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