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Everything posted by TheGraduateApple

  1. So for a long time I have always fiddled around with the already available hairstyles and both male and female, and honestly the female ones really lack, especially when compared with the live trailer long ago, some of the girls portrayed had way longer hair that almost reached waist length. I am sure there are people out there that would love to be able to have more hairstyles that you could choose from on male and female, yet also be able to have even longer or shorter hair lengths especially on female hairs since they seem to be limited to quite short which is kind of sad at times. I really hope this could be added in a future update which would massively allow more players to express creativity or even if they wanted to replicate looks. Merged. Forgot to mention* I only created the account for the forums today, I have been playing since around 2013 or 14.
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