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  1. Hello Mr Scott, I don't know if you or a member of your staff are going to read this post, but I submitted a support ticket 2 days ago about an issue with my main account. So it seems that my email adress linked to my account has a technical problem with your website because I got this error message "We've discovered an error with your email. Please contact us at support@littleorbit.com for more assistance". Well, I had a long break on the game and I forgot unfortunately my old password and need to change it for a new one. I read an other post about this problem encountered by other people. Is this right that it happens for PC players using steam auto logging-in ? (like me) So the logging-in is still working good and I can continue to play but I would like to resolve this problem as soon as possible... What do you think about it ? How long do you think I'll have to wait to have an answer for my ticket ? Thx alot for your help !
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