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  1. Good day! I apologize in advance for Google translator. In this post, I would suggest considering options 1) return the old login / password menu to the old, more classic options in order to avoid longer loading and micro-friezes in the login menu itself (if I’m not mistaken, I have already seen this post somewhere, but I want to support it again here and please support like-minded people like that I sincerely believe that this is a very good and important idea). 2) to return the old danger system for players - once upon a time, maybe even during MBT testing there was a system which assumed that if you play well then you have silver of the 7th lvl (for example) today you have a bad team or are simply unlucky with opponents and you lose a lot? then you go down to 6-5 ur silver! tomorrow you made friends and won a lot? returned the 7th lvl and maybe even got the 8th, did you get an opponent with 1 or God forbid 2m gold level? know this victory will be extremely difficult for you. Thus, the incentive to try to play well was very motivating to pick a team, make friends, and so on, besides, it will solve the problem of some players who lose especially in missions, substitute a team to change gold to silver / bronze so that specially play in bronze servers and kill newcomers. thanks for reading and asking those who like these ideas to support this post and maybe the administration will consider these options! ps I want to say thanks again for promptly helping the administration in restoring my account, they really listened and helped me continue to play my favorite game! Thank you! (it was a year ago, but I remember and am still grateful.) Merged. I apologize for the complexity of the translator! I think he did not correctly translate what I'm talking about. namely, that I do not propose killing newcomers on purpose. on the contrary, they need to be supported! I'm talking about the fact that some specifically want to get bronze to play against beginners!
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