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Posts posted by 52656B6B79

  1. 9 hours ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    I'm curious why some of the weapons are Purple actually. 

    Not sure if they are still around but there were retail boxes you could buy with a code. Redeeming the code would give RT weapons. IIRC, it was a choice of a scout, ntec, or whisper plus the ACT44 and cisco. The dog ear wasn't part of it.

  2. I was going to add a thread about out of mission activities but since you made a point of it already I'll give my idea of something quick and easy to get enforcers started.


    In some missions enforcers need to go to certain points and investigate, take pictures and whatnot. What if they were allowed to do this at random points in the map outside of missions? Reward a tiny bit of cash and a chance to find evidence (small items). Similar to mugging it would add standing while pledged and criminals can catch them in the act.

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