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Everything posted by Autrileux

  1. I should have been more clear: I want a unifying keyword for all these vehicles. I want to be able to type in patriot, or jericho, or v20 and get all of these results on one page, rather than having to know the individual names of all these variants of the same car.
  2. When I look at the Dress To Kill Criminal Bundle page, it says "You have previously purchased this product." I have not. I own the majority of what's in that bundle, including: Baker Boy Hat, Exclusive Sunglasses, Chest Rig, SubMachineGun Chest Rig Config, and Criminal Phantom Vehicle + Kits. Thanks As an aside, I also would like it if my owning all of this stuff was factored into the price of the bundle. I don't want to pay full price if I'm only unlocking less than half of what's listed. But that's a topic for a different forum.
  3. Please modify bundle prices based on how much of the bundle we've already purchased. I don't want to pay a full bundle price if I already own a bunch of the stuff in it.
  4. 1. Please add photos of clothing items on both female and male characters. Some items (such as the Death, Pestilence, Famine, and War stuff) show only what it looks like on female. 2. Please put (Male Only) or (Female Only) in the title of items that are not for both sexes. It will save many players many seconds. 3. Please standardize search keywords for items. When I search up "patriot", i get different items from "jericho" "v20" and "phantom". 4. Please specify the names of all items in bundles. Both the Criminal Heavy Duty Bundle and Enforcer Heavy Duty Bundle don't list the names of each piece of clothing. 5. Please add weapon stat tables to all weapon pages. Some of them have vague descriptors (Colby 45) and some don't have anything at all (Mountie Nunavut) Thanks
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