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Posts posted by Darxide

  1. Very well then. Lets lay it all off, honestly and somewhat brutally.


    Personally, I think that tying a contact specifically to a game mode is a terrible move. I would even go as far as to say its anti-consumer. Doing this has no longevity for this mode, and people will feel more annoyed by the fact they are pressured into playing this for new content. Watch how in a few weeks tops this will be abandoned, and the only thing that will drive people to come and play is the contact there, and if the rewards are not worth it, only completionists will be playing it, and otherwise it will be left drier than the gold districts. Just because a few games managed to hit it rich with the Battle Royale concept, doesn't mean its going to succeed everywhere its applied to.


    With this out of the way, I want to address that while I totally understand that this is the beta, this thread is supposed to be for feedback, and here's mine:


    The spawns are terrible. They don't take into account the areas where the RIOT device has been activated, meaning that by the time you spawn beside an area where it has been activated, you will die by the time you get to where you're supposed to because that area has been claimed by the gas, needlessly costing a life. Either adjust the spawn areas to take the yellow areas into account, or lower the cool down on the gas mask consumable. This doesn't contribute to increasing the difficulty or anything. It is just outright frustrating.


    It happened multiple times to me that right after joining the server for a new round , the game crashes, and the launcher has to reinstall a few files as it normally does, and after a while this gets rather annoying. Admittedly the possibility is there that something is wrong on my end, but I want to note that this only happened on the new mode, not the rest of the game.


    While this is a minor issue to consider, I don't like how the audio in various areas still keeps playing, like dogs barking in alleys, people talking, announcements at gas stations, etc. This is supposed to be taking place after almost everyone left that part of the city, and its a little immersion-breaking.


    The weapons (or at least the weapon spawns) need to be randomized more. I know it makes sense for high velocity weapons to be in high areas, but what is the point if this is the case almost every time? This means that all you need to do is get to those areas with your team and camp there, because there is not enough variety, and the the predictive pattern always compels people to do the same thing each and every round, and hoping they get lucky. I don't think that's how a Battle Royale is supposed to turn out.


    This concludes my feedback, as a player who had some 50-60 games until I leveled up the contact, and only won 5 times, and I have no reason to return there, except to literally play 2-3 rounds, get frustrated, and leave. Did I mention that the contact levels very slowly? I didn't, but yeah. Maybe its attributed to my high loss rate, but I do wish it could level up faster than that.

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