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Posts posted by Feyr666

  1. 16 minutes ago, Xantia said:

    Sorry but they had 1 year? and Tiggs helped them in the beginning?  And that an anticheat does not work directly no one knows why ....... but where do you see something wrong from the community now? is normal that the people are waiting And after a few hours they say we will try again in 1 week?  


    Is exactly when you wait for something and then it should come And the company calls you and says it does not come today We need another week? would you be happy?

    I'm not telling people to be happy with not getting an expected update, I'm telling people to stop being so outraged over the tiniest thing. Toxicity is what's killing this game more than anything.

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  2. It's honestly pretty pathetic that this community is as toxic as it is. Do any of you have an idea of how complex this game's systems are? Or how Little Orbit has literally jumped into a codebase made by an entirely other team that wasn't maintained properly due to team size? I'm sad I don't get to play the update today, but I completely understand when things go wrong, they have to be fixed before being pushed to live.

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