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Posts posted by Brighteye

  1. 3 hours ago, Lestat2150 said:

    With the dwindling player numbers I have a few concerns about player progression.  To start off I'm 52.  Still trying to finish to 55.  I built a ranged crafter as my main but my crafting skills are still really low since I decided to level up first and foremost.  I've been playing off and on since 2011.  I'm noticing there aren't anymore gore gear for sale in the AH  due to the low pop count.  It's not just the lack of gear for sale, but basic items like repair kits that are no longer for sale or being publicly traded.  I'm assuming the few players that are left are in clan's with thousands of items so they don't need to worry.  So my question is what am I supposed to be doing after I finish leveling?  World pvp? Dome?  Queuing up for these things doesn't work because nobody is queuing for these events.  The only thing people still do are public events in PT.  If I'm a solo player, what should I be doing to get loot for end game? 


    I would love to be in a clan but nobody is inviting so being a solo player is very tough as I need to craft all my own stuff.  Is end game at this point just maxing my crafting skills and making my own stuff? Or is there something i'm missing.  

    If you are ingame ask in global, „Support Team Clan“ is still Running and invites Players who Play. Very nice people do this or Write an ingame Messege to Yuki Akindo 🙂 

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