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About the low sensitivity

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Since a long time on APB everyone tell me to use a low sensitivity because it'll be better than a high sensitivity, i just want to know if the low sensitivity is better than the high sens and why?

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It is mostly preference. However I will tell you that low sens can be better due to a higher degree of accuracy in the larger movements and it is also better for you body to be playing from the shoulder/elbow.

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Slow sensitivity is usually preferred/recommended by shooter game professionals at world tournament level like in CS:GO for example. The reason for that is because slow sensitivity allows for more precise aiming & tracking, where your crosshair doesn't move all over the target from slight movements, but is instead more precise. It also tends to negate panicking mid-combat a lot because it's easier to take back control of your aim due to it being slower.


It is indeed personal preference of course, but slow sens is known to be more efficent. It's usually good to find a sweet spot between a slow enough sens where you can track enemies efficently in but also be able to do a 180° spin in one quick, swift motion in case someone is backstabbing you. Extremes (too slow/too fast) are never good. The best way is to play around with it the next time you play APB and find one that you like. It's a lot about experimenting and the same goes for marksmanship sens.


Another thing you need to keep in mind is that due to slow sens requiring more space to move around the mouse, you should consider getting a large, quality mouse pad if you don't already have one, so you can move your aim freely.


Just so you know, it's good to have a large mousepad, but it's also going to be necessary to do mouse resets. That is basically the motion of lifting your mouse from the pad and moving it back to the center due to you "running out" of mouse pad and that is okay. No one really plays with low sens without resetting their mouse while playing. And those will start happening on their own as you practice the game with your new sensitivity, they happen subconciously while you focus on the game so no need to worry about that. The faster and smoother your hands get at doing these motions - the better and more consistent aim you will achieve.

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