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Overview of Error Codes

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This is going to start as just a copy paste of the same thread from the old forums. If you notice any issues or new error codes, feel free to contact me so I can add it to the list.


Error code 10001 - Wrong patch.
=> Update your game client.
Error code 10004 - Someone else is logged into your account.
=> This error can occur when the server/district crashed. Just try logging in again.
Error code 10007 - Login server is down and will be back online shortly.
=> Nothing you can do but wait and try again later.
Error code 10008 - This account has been permanently suspended.
=> This account is banned from the game, you can try to get that reversed with support.
Error code 10010 - This means that your log-in details are incorrect.
=> Make sure you're using the correct email and password.
Error code 10013 - Correct log-in details but something else is stopping you from logging in.

Error code 11001 - Account connection failed.

Error code 11002 - Account is in pending status.
=> Check the email address you used to sign up and validate it in the email you have received (check the spam folder if needed).

=> Another cause is that your password expired, log in to the website to change your password from there. If you don't know the account email contact support at support.gamersfirst.com
Error code 11003/11004 - Account connection failed. Check username and password.

Error code 11006 - Account doesn't meet the age requirement for APB.
=> If you feel this is incorrect, contact support.
Error code 60004 - Account is locked into another district.
=> Nothing you can do but wait and try again later.

Error code 4 - Possibly incorrect email/password

=> Make sure you're using the correct email and password.
Error code 8 - Login server is down or unreachable. 
=> Make sure your internet is working correctly, if that's the case just wait and try again later.
Error code 9 - Same as Error 8, just with the worldwide servers.
=> Make sure your internet is working correctly, if that's the case just wait and try again later.

Edited by Kevkof
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20 hours ago, Madalin213 said:

Im getting this 10004 error and i cant get on for the passed 3 days. What do i do? 


If you are still having this issue after restarting your pc, I'd have to suggest contacting support. Unless someone else has better ideas

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Lately when using Advanced APB Launcher I get this error message when trying to enter a district (game itself loads fine).


ErrorCode : 0x72AD2084


Anyone who can help?

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1 hour ago, nattsvart_katt said:

Lately when using Advanced APB Launcher I get this error message when trying to enter a district (game itself loads fine).


ErrorCode : 0x72AD2084


Anyone who can help?

Where are you getting that and can you send a screenshot of all the info in the error screen?

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4 minutes ago, nattsvart_katt said:

§ snip §

Probably better to remove most of that as it does give away your characters and possibly even more.

Looks like a fairly generic answer, was this just a straight crash to the desktop or did it throw up the error catcher?



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17:38:10 - Log: Exception handler starts.
17:38:10 - Log: Main thread is suspended.
17:38:10 - Log: UE3 memory allocator is unlocked.
17:38:10 - Log: Memory freed for exception handler.
17:38:10 - Log: ErrorCode : 0x73F92084
17:38:10 - Log: Create minidump.
17:38:10 - Log: Create internal minidump: \APBGame\Logs\2021.01.13-18.35.43-5116.dmp
17:38:10 - Log: Create an empty file for the internal minidump.
17:38:10 - Log: Generate internal minidump with MiniDumpWriteDump.
17:38:10 - Log: MiniDumpWriteDump for internal minidump succeeded!
17:38:10 - Log: Generate external dump file name.
17:38:10 - Log: Create external minidump: D:\APB Reloaded 2020\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2021.01.13-18.35.43-5116_Catcher.dmp
17:38:10 - Log: Copy the exception info to shared memory
17:38:10 - Log: Wake up APB_Catcher.
17:38:10 - Log: Wait for APB_Catcher to finish.
17:38:10 - Log: APB_Catcher failed!
17:38:10 - Log: Creating external mini-dump failed!
17:38:10 - Log: Process mindump file: \APBGame\Logs\2021.01.13-18.35.43-5116.dmp
17:38:10 - Log: kd.exe -z \APBGame\Logs\2021.01.13-18.35.43-5116.dmp -y "Lib/Release_USER;Symbols/Release_USER" -c ".ecxr;.lines -e;k 50;q"
17:38:10 - Log: Executable not found!
17:38:10 - Log: RunAppProc failed!
17:38:10 - Log: ProcessMiniDump failed!
17:38:10 - Log: Search for callstack text.
17:38:10 - Log: Callstack text not found.
17:38:10 - Log: Get GPF description.


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whatever, I can't do it....we'll do it live!..........WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!!!!


(uninstall clean install) voila! effin adv apb launcher working again.


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