So considering what Matt Scott said about dethreating being a game exploit and seeing Battle Eye was added ever since I have came back to APB I have been trying to stick to silver district for better or for worse.
So quick disclaimer I am a low gold, I have been playing APB on and off for quite a few years now and I consider myself a decent player, on citadel a portion of the community know me and some people even hold some modecom of respect towards me, however I by no means
As a direct reply to the OP:
In my opinion dethreating is the symptom of a larger problem which is low populations to match against. Today, we have the highest concurrency in the game in over a year, but we're still only matching you against the 40 other players on your server.
We should be matchmaking across all districts - not just the one you happen to make it onto. We are working to fix this but it will take some time, because we can't implement the solution I want ti