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01/26 Maintenance Announcement

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Hello, everyone!


Our standard server maintenance this week will take place on Wednesday, 01/26/2021. The maintenance is scheduled to start at 9 AM UTC and will last from 2 to 4 hours.


Console will have its normal maintenance starting at 9 AM UTC as well.


Thank you for your patience!



P.S: This post is cross-referenced in Game Updates for ease of access.

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Stop Letting Them Hack.   How do You Sleep after what You've done?

  Stop The Steal, Re-Segregate 

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Change consumables to mods with a cooldown, like they should've been in the first place.

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Return! Fields - to the peasants, factories - to the workers

Edited by SHEMER

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Do something good... no matter what 

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Change cement trucks to make the drum rotate, like they should've been in the first place.

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Turn signal left... turn signal right... let me turn on hazard lights already. Should've been the first thing done after acquisition, obviously.

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