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  1. After some time, during missions the picture of the game hangs, but the sound continues. It helps only to disable the game through the task manager. Current.log file: https://dropmefiles.com/v8kFv
  2. Well. Whatever you guys did seemed to cause some unstability in combo of my setup and your software. Today I was unable to run game. Game started, movies were going, loading screen as well and it always freezes on login screen - Steam version of Gamersfirst one. After minute or two, I'm kicked back to Windows with no indication of error from APB.exe Tried to repair game 3 times via launcher - it didn't replaced single file, reinstalled it - still nothing. I attached logs from both day where it worked properly (yesterday) and today after patch. Testrun your patches, can you? I might lost nano challenge for today... Logs filebin: https://filebin.net/9gl85fzlumvw9quc
  3. Hello, I have an issue with APB Reloaded this evening My game continously crashing when selection my character I tried to reinstall the game, to reboot my pc etc. My log is : 02:12:55 - Log: Wake up APB_Catcher. 02:12:55 - Log: Wait for APB_Catcher to finish. 02:12:55 - Log: APB_Catcher succeeded! 02:12:55 - Log: Creating external minidump succeeded! 02:12:55 - Log: Get callstack from the external dump. 02:12:55 - Log: Process mindump file: D:\STEAMLIBRARY\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2019.09.02-04.10.35-11212_Catcher.dmp 02:12:55 - Log: kdprogram -z D:\STEAMLIBRARY\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2019.09.02-04.10.35-11212_Catcher.dmp -y "Lib/Release_USER;Symbols/Release_USER" -c ".ecxr;.lines -e;k 50;q" 02:12:55 - Log: Executable not found! 02:12:55 - Log: RunAppProc failed! 02:12:55 - Log: ProcessMiniDump failed! 02:12:55 - Log: Search for callstack text. 02:12:55 - Log: Callstack text not found. 02:12:55 - Log: Get GPF description. 02:12:55 - Log: 02:12:55 - Log: Exception: Sending CrashReport callback event... 02:12:55 - Log: Client crash report 02:12:55 - Log: Map APBLoginLevel 02:12:55 - Log: PlayerController location 10.2 -16.2 -42.0 02:12:55 - Log: Exception: Calling HandleError()... 02:12:55 - Log: === Critical error: === General protection fault! Script call stack: Function APBUserInterface.cUIDataStore_Chat|OnPlayerProfileChanged History: 02:12:55 - Log: Log file closed, 02/09/19 04:12:55
  4. I just got my new laptop and APB in a normal fighting district always crash on me this is the 6th time! in the social district and 12deaths of Christmas, it worked just fine but not in financial. I run it at Maxumium setteings, it gives me 90fps solid I have the log file for the last second : 16:15:28 - Error: FMallocWindows: direct allocation failed. LastError = 8 16:15:28 - Error: Allocating from OS (aligned): 4194304 16:15:28 - Error: User-requested size (non-aligned): 4194304 16:15:28 - Critical: appError called: Out of memory! 16:15:28 - Critical: Windows GetLastError: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command. (8) 16:15:28 - Log: Exception handler starts. 16:15:28 - Log: Main thread is suspended. 16:15:28 - Log: UE3 memory allocator is unlocked. 16:15:28 - Log: Memory freed for exception handler. 16:15:28 - Log: ErrorCode : 0x76011812 16:15:28 - Log: Create minidump. 16:15:28 - Log: Create internal minidump: C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2018.12.22-19.00.58-11076.dmp 16:15:28 - Log: Create an empty file for the internal minidump. 16:15:28 - Log: Generate internal minidump with MiniDumpWriteDump. 16:15:28 - Log: MiniDumpWriteDump for internal minidump failed! GetLastError: -2147024865 16:15:28 - Log: Generate external dump file name. 16:15:28 - Log: Create external minidump: C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2018.12.22-19.00.58-11076_Catcher.dmp 16:15:28 - Log: Copy the exception info to shared memory 16:15:28 - Log: Wake up APB_Catcher. 16:15:28 - Log: Wait for APB_Catcher to finish. 16:15:28 - Log: APB_Catcher failed! 16:15:28 - Log: Creating external mini-dump failed! 16:15:28 - Log: Process mindump file: C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2018.12.22-19.00.58-11076.dmp 16:15:28 - Log: kdprogram -z C:\Program Files (x86)\GamersFirst\APB Reloaded\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2018.12.22-19.00.58-11076.dmp -y "Lib/Release_USER;Symbols/Release_USER" -c ".ecxr;.lines -e;k 50;q" 16:15:28 - Log: Executable not found! 16:15:28 - Log: RunAppProc failed! 16:15:28 - Log: ProcessMiniDump failed! 16:15:28 - Log: Search for callstack text. 16:15:28 - Log: Callstack text not found. 16:15:28 - Log: 16:15:28 - Log: Exception: Sending CrashReport callback event... 16:15:28 - Log: Client crash report 16:15:28 - Log: Map financialdistrict_master 16:15:28 - Log: Pawn location 126751.6 145924.5 83.7 16:15:28 - Log: Exception: Calling HandleError()... 16:15:28 - Log: === Critical error: === Out of memory! History: 16:15:28 - Log: Log file closed, 22/12/18 19:15:28 can someone help me? I can't play the game! log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f99hl28d7u6iexs/2018.12.22-19.00.59-11076.log?dl=0 Specs: Msi GL63 8RE-636 CPU: i7-8750H GPU: GTX-1060m 6GB SSD: Kingston RBUSNS8180S3128GJ 128GB HDD: Seagate ST1000LM049-2GH172 1TB Ram: Hynix HMA81GS6CJR8N-VK 2x8GB
  5. hangry_D

    Crash in login

    Previously, there was no such problem, now the game crashes when i try to log in through steam. I tried to solve the problem through the console command sfc /scannow but the problem remains. How to solve this problem? https://imgur.com/zECxKOj
  6. Every hour or less during missions i crash when i die as soon as i hit the respawn screen to select a spawn point i crash. Ive never had this error before until RIOT update. my computer parts are 8 gig ram (looking at getitng 4 more gig) i5 6600k skylake oc at 4000 mghz | gtx 1660 ti | Ive installed the game on hardrive crashes and both my ssds still crash. I cant install the normal game because the installer crashes on installing C++ which apparently no one gets. I have to run it through steam which i dont really want to because they could be causing the crash but i dont really know. The logs say its a d3d9 error which im assuming that means direct x 9 error. No one in game has this problem and none of my friends do. Please Help
  7. Hello, I've decided it's time to move over to playing APB on PC, but I keep randomly getting booted back to character select halfway through character creation. My internet and system both work perfectly fine. Wondering if anyone could provide some insight, or if anyone else is experiencing this. Thank you for your time.
  8. As the title says, the game keeps crashing during the mission, after I press the spawn point... after I die. What I tried: 1. Graphics drivers reinstall (they are up to date) 2. DirectX up to date 3. Reinstalled APB from scratch (few times already...) 4. Ofcourse, I tried "Repair" also, still nothing. Can anyone please help me? I'm starting to grow white hairs... PC Specs: CPU: i7 8700k GPU: RTX 2080 Ti Ram: 32GB Log files:
  9. Exactly what the title says. Whenever big explosions occur (Volcano blowing up my car) or a heavy dose of nade spam occurs; half the time my computer crashes and my fan's rpm increases to 100%. Only thing I can do is hit the power and restart. This has never happened half a year prior. CPU: Intel 4690k GPU: RX 480 (updated drivers) RAM: 8GB
  10. So , just now APB crashes on Startup loadup , doesnt even get to open to the Intro logos , I uninstalled and re installed, and its still giving the same crash @ startup , its not my system causing this, what hapen , how can fix halp
  11. Hello, I've been trying to play APB recently but for some reason my game keeps crashing seconds after I die and spawn. The error that it gives me is this: Critical: appError called: m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST I tried searching in the internet but only one case was found which didn't have a solution. I was hoping someone would have an answer to that. The specs of the PC are as follow: CPU: Intel Core I5-6500 3.2GHz RAM: Kingston 8GB (2x4GB) DDR4 2133MHZ Video card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Here are the logs for the last 20 secs before the game crashed: 11:27:42 - Log: Flushing async loaders. 11:27:46 - Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms) 11:27:46 - Log: GolemPart F_Top_Longsleeve_Skate_HoodieHoodup_Golem doesn't have a Class ID assigned. Please open it with the Character Tool. 11:27:46 - Log: Flushed async loaders. 11:27:47 - Warning: cSkelMeshBucketAllocator: Couldn't find a compatible bucket. Size=69732, RenderResource=FIndexBuffer. 11:27:47 - Warning: cSkelMeshBucketAllocator: Couldn't find a compatible bucket. Size=325984, RenderResource=Skeletal-mesh vertex buffer. 11:27:52 - Log: Timed out while waiting for GPU to catch up. (500 ms) 11:27:52 - Thread: Thread RenderingThread created with stack 131070 and priority 'normal' 11:27:52 - APB_StatWatch: Stat FrameTime, trigger 10335.516602, base 126.147079, numframes 1, flags 0 11:27:52 - APB_StatWatch: Stall detected (trigger 10335.516602, threshold 500.000000) 11:27:52 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (time): Day 0.477685 ToD 0.893039 Con 000 LCPs 0000 LCVs 0000 OSMs 0000 TCCs 0 : FT 10335.516602 FT_PrET 0.113600 _PrWT 0.108700 _Strm 1.262200 _PrTD 0.001400 _PNIx 0.019100 _TD 0.221500 _CToDT 0.000900 _FMT 0.000000 _ALT 0.000000 _ACDT 0.014200 _TOT 0.061000 _TT 5.036800 _AT_other 0.026900 _UCLT 0.556400 _G11 0.359900 _TNS 0.000000 _G08 0.013400 _PWT 9370.984375 _PnkB 0.000000 _GBT 0.000000 _GBA 0.000000 _GBW 0.000000 _BES 0.000000 _BER 0.000000 _BET 0.000000 _EACS 0.000000 _EACR 0.000000 _EACT 0.010400 _Vis 0.000000 _PFix 0.000000 _Aud 0.415900 _Hst 0.004200 _APBE 0.717700 _PET 955.825378 _FES 0.002900 _MBk 0.000000 _PostUTT 0.005600 FT_other 0.009600 11:27:52 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (sub-tick): Day 0.477685 TT_PreAWAT 1.015000 _PreAWCT 0.000000 _DuringAWAT 0.809700 _DuringAWCT 0.022800 _WAWT 0.046000 _FetchRes 0.044700 _RBNotifies 0.000200 _PostAWAT 2.174500 _PostAWCT 0.000200 _LET 0.946900 TT_other 0.022800 TNS_STC 0.000000 TNS_STC_CA 0.000000 TNS_STC_PL 0.000000 TNS_STC_Rep 0.000000 TNS_STC_Sat 0.000000 TNS_other 0.000000 Audio_Mgr 0.314700 _Ww 0.004300 _MSM 0.001300 _Pri 0.087200 Audio_other 0.008400 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_AW 0.000000 Hst_AW_DL 0.000000 Hst_WS 0.000000 Hst_CD 0.000000 Hst_DS 0.000000 Hst_Mon 0.000000 Hst_Net 0.000000 Hst_Xml 0.000000 Hst_Sd 0.000000 Hst_other 0.004200 _GC 0.012300 11:27:52 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (ren): Day 0.477685 PWT 9370.984375 PrWT 0.108700 PWT_PreRV 9361.265625 _RV 3.015700 _PostRV 6.692100 PWT_other 0.010742 RV_P 0.000000 _CPUren 0.000000 _UID 2.715700 _GMSB 0.000000 _GMSF 0.000000 RV_other 0.300000 CPUren_IV 1.211100 _D 1.095400 _B 2.598900 _SV 0.000000 _L 0.074400 _T 0.645700 _O 0.633300 _AL 0.006100 CPUren_other 1.525600 11:27:52 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (RPC): Day 0.477685 InBytes 707 InPackets 2 TOTAL 0 11:27:52 - APB_StatWatch: Spike Summary (Ticks): TOTAL 34 cNPCSkeletalMeshActor (7) 0.04 cAPBVehicle (27) 1.18 11:27:52 - APB_UI: TriggerGameplayPopupDialog( EquipsOrChangesWeapon ) 11:27:52 - APB_UI: TriggerGameplayPopupDialog( EquipsOrChangesWeapon ) 11:27:52 - APB_UI: TriggerGameplayPopupDialog( EquipsOrChangesWeapon ) 11:27:52 - APB_UI: TriggerGameplayPopupDialog( EquipsOrChangesWeapon ) 11:27:52 - APB_UI: TriggerGameplayPopupDialog( EquipsOrChangesWeapon ) 11:27:52 - APB_UI: TriggerGameplayPopupDialog( EquipsOrChangesWeapon ) 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: Initialised audio NPC interface 1753078128 for vehicle 2486861824 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: RegLog - cAudioCharacterImplementation - RegisterGameObject 2439918980 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: Register character game object 2439918980 11:27:52 - APB_IGABF: Adding request cCharacterRequest_280 for: cAPBPawn_189 11:27:52 - APB_IGABF: Memory cache found for request (build manager): cCharacterRequest_280 with component: cCustomisedSkeletalMeshComponent_576 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cProp_402) ReplicatedEvent animation: NoneFalseTrue 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUse=cAPBVehicle_336 APBPawn=cAPBPawn_170 Controller=None Name= CharacterUID=0 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_nVehicleID = 106 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_nUseID = 2 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bInsideVehicle = True 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_SeatPosition = VehiclePositionIndex_FrontLeft 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bSwitchingToAdjacentSeat = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bTeleportIn = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bOpenVehicleDoor = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bCloseVehicleDoor = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bGetInToVehicle = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bGetOutOfVehicle = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bBailOut = True 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bRouteingToVAP = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bEnteringVCP = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bExitingVCP = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bExitingVCPDeath = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bDeath = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bLeaningOut = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bEjectInitial = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bEjectLater = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bDoingDriverEjectFromPassengerSide = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bCloseingDriverDoorFromInside = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bCanDriveVehicle = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bEnforcer = True 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_eNPCTypeDriver = 12 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_nDriverAssetIndex = 126 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_LeaveVehiclePos = 0.00,0.00,0.00 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUse1 = cAPBVehicle_336 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseOld = cAPBVehicle_336 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUse2 cAPBVehicle_336 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData - m_bBailOut True 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) CloseDoorIfAppropriate vehicle=cAPBVehicle_336 ePosition=VehiclePositionIndex_FrontLeft 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: RegLog - cAudioCharacterImplementation - RegisterGameObject 2439922788 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: Register character game object 2439922788 11:27:52 - APB_IGABF: Adding request cCharacterRequest_281 for: cAPBPawn_190 11:27:52 - APB_IGABF: Memory cache found for request (build manager): cCharacterRequest_281 with component: cCustomisedSkeletalMeshComponent_577 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: Terminated audio NPC interface 2945747408 for vehicle 2970705920 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUse=cAPBVehicle_336 APBPawn=cAPBPawn_170 Controller=None Name= CharacterUID=0 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_nVehicleID = 0 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_nUseID = 2 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bInsideVehicle = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_SeatPosition = VehiclePositionIndex_MAX 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bSwitchingToAdjacentSeat = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bTeleportIn = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bOpenVehicleDoor = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bCloseVehicleDoor = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bGetInToVehicle = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bGetOutOfVehicle = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bBailOut = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bRouteingToVAP = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bEnteringVCP = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bExitingVCP = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bExitingVCPDeath = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bDeath = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bLeaningOut = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bEjectInitial = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bEjectLater = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bDoingDriverEjectFromPassengerSide = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bCloseingDriverDoorFromInside = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bCanDriveVehicle = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_bEnforcer = False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_eNPCTypeDriver = -1 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_nDriverAssetIndex = -1 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseData.m_LeaveVehiclePos = 121084.00,102776.00,95.00 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUse1 = None 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUseOld = cAPBVehicle_336 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData m_VehicleUse2 None 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData - m_VehicleUse == none 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData - m_bInsideVehicle False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData DrivenVehicle=cAPBVehicle_336 m_PassengerVehicle=None APBVehicleUseTemp=cAPBVehicle_336 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) StopDriving 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData - m_SeatPosition = VehiclePositionIndex_MAX m_SeatPositionOld = VehiclePositionIndex_FrontLeft 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseDataCloseDoorIfAppropriateOldVehicleUse 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseData - m_bBailOut False 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_170) ChangedVehicleUseReplicated m_VehicleUseReplicated = None 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) cAPBPawn_175 cAPBPawn::ChangedDyingData!!! 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) m_DyingData.eDyingState - eDS_OnFoot 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) m_DyingData.bForceRagdoll - True 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) m_DyingData.fImpulseScale - 0.5000 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) m_DyingData.nExplosionType - 0 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) m_DyingData.vExplosionLocation - 0.00,0.00,0.00 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) m_DyingData.nControllerUID - 416994465 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) bTearOff - True 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) TearOffMomentum - 0.00,0.00,-1.00 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) DamageType - cWeaponDamageType 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) m_fDespawnDelay - 5.0000 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) m_fDespawnDelayMax - 30.0000 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_175) BeginOnFootDeath - (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LastRenderTime) = 15.9857 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: RegLog - cAudioCharacterImplementation - Unregister game object 1875555180 11:27:52 - ScriptLog: (cAPBPawn_168) StartCrouch 31.0000 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: RegLog - cAudioCharacterImplementation - Unregister game object 2485280228 11:27:52 - Mem: Memory Event: Day 0.477685 VB 3135066112 Prev 3018883072 LgDev 1 Thresh 2988172288 Dev 0146893824 LgDelta 1 Lim 0010000000 Delta 0116183040 11:27:52 - Mem: Setting new raised memory threshold of 3088172288 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: Damage State 2 (0) 11:27:52 - APB_Audio: Damage State 2 (0) 11:27:52 - Mem: Memory Event: Day 0.477685 VB 3152228352 Prev 3135066112 LgDev 1 Thresh 3088172288 Dev 0064056064 LgDelta 1 Lim 0010000000 Delta 0017162240 11:27:52 - Mem: Setting new raised memory threshold of 3138172288 11:28:07 - Critical: appError called: m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST 11:28:07 - Critical: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0) 11:28:07 - Log: Exception handler starts. 11:28:07 - Log: Main thread is suspended. 11:28:07 - Log: UE3 memory allocator is unlocked. 11:28:07 - Log: Memory freed for exception handler. 11:28:07 - Log: ErrorCode : 0x75414192 11:28:07 - Log: Create minidump. 11:28:07 - Log: Create internal minidump: D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2020.04.20-14.12.22-14540.dmp 11:28:07 - Log: Create an empty file for the internal minidump. 11:28:07 - Log: Generate internal minidump with MiniDumpWriteDump. 11:28:07 - Log: MiniDumpWriteDump for internal minidump succeeded! 11:28:07 - Log: Generate external dump file name. 11:28:07 - Log: Create external minidump: D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2020.04.20-14.12.22-14540_Catcher.dmp 11:28:07 - Log: Copy the exception info to shared memory 11:28:07 - Log: Wake up APB_Catcher. 11:28:07 - Log: Wait for APB_Catcher to finish. 11:28:07 - Log: APB_Catcher succeeded! 11:28:07 - Log: Creating external minidump succeeded! 11:28:07 - Log: Get callstack from the external dump. 11:28:07 - Log: Process mindump file: D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2020.04.20-14.12.22-14540_Catcher.dmp 11:28:07 - Log: kdprogram -z D:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\Binaries\..\APBGame\Logs\2020.04.20-14.12.22-14540_Catcher.dmp -y "Lib/Release_USER;Symbols/Release_USER" -c ".ecxr;.lines -e;k 50;q" 11:28:07 - Log: Executable not found! 11:28:07 - Log: RunAppProc failed! 11:28:07 - Log: ProcessMiniDump failed! 11:28:07 - Log: Search for callstack text. 11:28:07 - Log: Callstack text not found. 11:28:07 - Log: 11:28:07 - Log: Exception: Sending CrashReport callback event... 11:28:07 - Log: Client crash report 11:28:07 - Log: Map waterfrontdistrict_master 11:28:07 - Log: Pawn location 122155.3 107120.2 83.7 11:28:07 - Log: Exception: Calling HandleError()... 11:28:07 - Log: === Critical error: === m_VertexBuffer->Lock(m_nNextVertexData, Size, &pData, VertexLockFlags) failed at Src\D3D9DrawPrimitiveUPWrapper.cpp:293 with error D3DERR_DEVICELOST History: 11:28:07 - Log: Log file closed, 20/04/20 14:28:07
  12. MrLek


    My APB Reloaded enters normally, I log in to the game, select the district and when I enter the district the game closes and the message "APB Error report" appears. When I open the launcher the error "Client manifest signature is invalid" and after giving this error in the launcher opens the "APB Error Report". I have already uninstalled APB and installed it again, repaired the launcher and the error continues.
  13. Still crashing same way... play 5 minutes, game just closes itself and gives me a send report... it happens when im trying to spawn it shows you were you can spawn then the game stops responding and you can still here the count down timer and thats it AMD Ryzen 5 2600 RTX 2080 16GB DDR4
  14. Hi, as the Title says, APB keeps crashing at random time when I want to choose a spawn point, it can be either when first spawning or during a mission after I died, anyone can help ? I heard it might be a problem because of my RTX 2060 Super, probably is since I started to crash when I received my new computer. Thank you in advance ! Luce
  15. I been trying to get into breakwater since the beginning of this week and its been quite annoying now to me and those who actually contribute to this game. Every time i try logging in the loading screen glitches and then crashes back to my home on Xbox. This is beginning to be absurd. Devs fix this please.
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