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  1. If you have a Steam account you can try downloading it there. If you don't have your Steam account linked to G1 account, launch the game using the launcher, or the APB.exe instead of clicking play in Steam.
  2. Basically every second match I had was against at least one cheater in enemy team. And game teamed me up with cheaters on my side as well. I'm not blind, I wasn't blind in 2020, 2019, 2018 and so on. Cheating problem is still here, was here and now it's better than never. Sadly it's not just APB problem, it's problem of all multiplayer games where PvP stands. Just entitled generation rose up where they need to win, no matter how. Ruthless upbringing brings ruthless generation - APB lore is perfect example of that. Problem with series like Battlefield vs APB is basically that Battlefield has enough of normal player population to cover cheaters and throw them on sidelines while APB cheaters are such big percentage of population that pretty much every game is affected by them. That obviously got negative effect on current and future population. Hell, even I was thinking of coming back to APB but taking combination of bad matchmaking, lack of any LO oversight and cheating problem... I just dropped it. Too bad it wasn't like that when there was OBT, would at least be game dead on arrival and we wouldn't had this problem. Yet again, as said hundred of times by me - this is both fault of LO (lack of enforcement, lack of oversight and overall "sitting back" attitude) and "loving this game" playerbase which "loves this game so much" that they have to stomp everyone playing it to ground, forgetting that anyone else also plays and nothing will replace them in the end. Enjoy your spoils, they are useless outside APB which inevitably will shut down. And you will have your uh... "gameplays" videos and such which gonna be questioned (rightfully so) for rest of time. And no, you can't legitmaize snapping from player to player while fighting them. Now they also throw some big unknown brazilian, digging in kernel anti-cheat to that and I slowly myself consider of not only uninstalling but deleting my GamersFirst account entirely. All of them. And just leaving. Contrary to what LO believes - I do have games to play, a lot of them. And you guys simply not competitve in any aspect by now. Even customization.
  3. Hello everyone. My account was stolen and characters in the game were deleted. I restored the account. I wrote to support, but they haven't responded for 24 days. Maybe there are other ways to contact me?
  4. There is already a list out there of all the cheaters, their alt accounts etc... But you have to ask the question, why no name and shame. Its done in other enviroments, such as crime, competitions, sports etc... This is why i say its a very safe enviroment for cheaters and the silence only cultivates more cheating. Here is the hard truth....... LO are way too soft with cheaters and cheaters know this. The general understanding is, its worth cheating. Mathematically its worth cheating, you make much more money its a lot more fun and you can flex as much as you want, your name will never be on a list of banned cheaters (officially) . All of this outweighs the risk of a banning. If they are banned they have multiple other accounts that they will move across to and wait to get their main account back. At this moment in time there are way too many pro's to cheating then to not cheating. Non Cheaters wont have as much fun will win less wont make as much money will level up much slower will be abused by other players wont make a name for themselves will play another game Cheaters will have a lot more fun will make a name for themselves will monitarily make money streaming will look good streaming will win more games will level up faster will get legendaries faster dont have to worry about getting called out for cheating will get their account back if banned
  5. Well guess what. I get 2v2 roughly 80% of the time and that imbalance issue is still the same problem wether 2v2 or 3v3. MM doesnt seem to take threat into account as if it did the side with less threat should have an extra player (of same lower threat) to compensate for the lesser threat. Also remember when 1v1 wasnt possible yet routinely happened?
  6. Well we don't know if it can. We don't know if its even on, (there were posts here about the server side not being on). Then lets say it flags some and bans come along. Well we don't know how long that ban will last, we don't know if down the road matt will say that Sard is false banning, or giving false info to the devs, who then do the manual ban. What you are saying, is sorta what Matt talked about in the AMA. Putting cheaters together. Well if you put them in a separate district it might work, but it would take years to detect them all, and once an account was flagged, the hacker would just use a dif account, maybe transfer some weapons. Or simply play as a dethreater till the flag is lifted. Matt needs to understand that the hacker isn't just a problem when he hacks, or within the mission. It promotes major toxicity thru out the entire game and population. which ruins the game. You can't get new players because the newb isn't going to play this game seeing that he would be matched against high ranks, high rank golds. MM will never work because of the vast dif in performance between a bronze and a gold, and the pool of players being mostly gold. So getting to gold is based on the pool of population, you don't just have to win and be on top score. Your score and kill have to be higher than the average gold to move up a notch. I have strayed off topic, the point being, eac didn't detect hackers, but LO says it banned a bunch We in NA only saw a couple of bans by eac, Sard now has to take time to learn, and once it does, who's to say matt wont come back saying it did false bans. And let em all back in again. Matt has a choice, he can either have a crooked game full of hackers, or a legit game. The choices he has made over time all benefit the cheater and Gold. Desegregation ruined this game. we used to have fun. Cheaters and Hi threat dont like fun, they only care about k/d, if you're not going 200-1 then they bash you in chat n say you suck. Thats Matts Game. This is the way He wants it. Then I wish him luck in finding financially viable players.
  7. I understand that players being OOB can be disruptive in missions, but outside of missions, it adds an element of exploration to the game and it is easy to sink hours into it. Part of the incentive to purchase the Vegas 4x4 is the fun of its physics, that is why thousands of APB players across all servers were grouping up and forming stunt communities in the earlier years (pre-2014). This fun aspect of the game been completely removed by the OOB timer/teleportations - I personally know a few who got into the game because of stunts, and many who stopped playing after this teleport feature was added It used to be jollifying attempting difficult jumps from various angles, and rewarding to look down from tall buildings at your group. A lot of the OOB props were very interesting to see, especially as huge fans of APB:R Some Images: Some Videos:
  8. its rough for new players as well as really frustrating. With regards a "Ban Wave" im not sure if that is going to happen or if there is a new tactic. But they have said that there have been bans. Players who i have seen cheat have not been around for the past month so i am guessing that they are gone. Some players who i know cheat are still around. Some players who used to cheat are now not very good. I am seeing less people spamming the .45 Then again i have teamed with some old familiars running around doing their thing, literally running up to a corner jumping and firing the hand gun killing unsuspecting opponents.. But i dont think there is a quick fix. There are a few groups of players determined to cheat in the game and will consistantly use cheats on their multiple accounts. A lot of us know who they are. Some quiet and some toxic. The good thing is the fact that there are a lot less "you are just bad" players who are defending cheaters, who are normally doing something themselves. This means that the psyche of the playerbase has shifted somewhat and is seeing cheating as a shamful thing within the game. So hold tight, you can still find some good games.
  9. SPPA Criminal Faction Launch - 09 19 Forwarded from the SPPA Discord server. Today marks a new milestone for the SPPA as we introduce the Criminal Faction clan for the criminal characters. Our ambition may be high, but it definitely will be worth the shot to see if the sky really is the limit when it comes down to expanding into the APB verse. A few important things to note: The SPPA CF uses the same uniform as the main SPPA branch; The SPPA CF uses the same car visuals as the main SPPA branch; The Criminal Faction follows the ranking structure of the main branch. Which means that a SPPA CF Officer is the same rank as the main branch SPPA Officer; Important to remember, that the criminal clan is not going its own direction. It's an extension on the SPPA to reach a wider audience, and thus acts as *one community'. Bear with us as we keep settings things up on the server and in-game to provide the best experience for the new SPPA CF chapter! Anyone is allowed to join, alt accounts of existing SPPA members, or completely new recruits who wish to join the CF chapter because crims are their main. If you're interested in the SPPA Enf or Crim faction, please visit us at our Discord server https://discord.gg/sppa Also, we have now have a Steam group on Public for anyone who wishes to join. (It is being constructed as well) It gives me the option to send announcements on there as well, so you can easily keep in touch. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/san-paro-port-authority Have fun with these new additions to the SPPA!
  10. with all due respect to the game moderators, but I believe that on the North American server there are at least 70% South American players, including Argentines, Brazilians and Uruguayans, on the European server we are around 10%, we play even laggards, but we are investors, I have two accounts created by min to invest in the game, invest in us and in servers to balance our gameplay, we make videos promoting yogo and we are bringing those who abandoned the game, but the moderation of the game and the development team need to help us, within hours more players appeared in the south Americans on this forum respect us, we love this game.
  11. I play since 2013, i have never opened the ticket i have never lost account, guess why? Because I always played by the book. I wasnt toxic, I didnt put swastikas around myself, I didnt run around with drawn vagina on my clothes, I didnt grief, I didnt insult players I didnt use overlays, I didnt use 3rd party programs, I didnt use macro, I didnt use aimbot aimassist, togglebot, triggerbot or any things of the above. I never exploited and glitched maps during events, I never talked abusively with gm's as I see the case is ALWAYS when gm comes here n there, because everybody is brave knowing gm cant ban you. You account wasnt suspended by "accident". You very well know what you did, therefore you got 0 sympathy. You should be happy support even wants to discuss things with you, if I was support and you come spamming me with tickets after you know very well what you have done, I would ban your 2nd alt email n acc from which you trying to communicate with me. All of you ticket and support communicators should be banned by mac address so nobody hears from you ever again. I d rather have player base of 40 people but decent 40 ppl who never did anything wrong, than playerbase of 1k population from which 900 of you wrote tickets and cried on forums how you got banned wrongly and that you "have no idea" why.
  12. Hello, i’m not really that guy to make posts about this in forums but i’m getting kind of annoyed i had waited over 2 months on a response for my ticket #61358 and got a response 3 weeks ago and i responded with all the answers to the questions but now again i’m waiting almost 3 weeks for a response not even a confirmation that they received my email it’s getting kind of ridicilous that i have to wait 3 months to get a ticket resolved i put a lot of money in this game and i’m playing since 2012 and i’ve never experienced support this bad. This LO is how you lose people’s interest i really wanted to go back in to the game but it’s taking way too long to get my account back…. Hope this reaches someone this way. greetings
  13. I have a question, I don't know where to post this, but is the support service working? It's been more than a week since I wrote to them and they haven't responded to me and I'm not sure whether to create another ticket... I'm trying to recover my 2015 account to try the new update and I don't receive any sign of life from LO...
  14. Heya! im an old apb:r player which came back to the game (i always came back each year usually lol) i have an issue with my account(which only can be resolved through support team) and i opened a ticket about it but it looks like it takes ages to get reply from support and i really cant wait anymore i have plans to do in apb but i cant because of my accounts situation.. so a help would be really appreciated :/ creating this post for maybe getting like "seen"? idk. i thought it would help.. thanks anyways <3
  15. Pure fact right here. Again, it simply amazes me how low-priority this was given. APB would now be retaining much more players if this nonsensical and aimless Matchmaking-effort was instead directed towards balance that isn't just shit. Regarding player-counts, August-September not only showed a surge due to the 2 Waterfront Contacts but also because of the unban-wave (EAC → SARD). Next month will tell more accurately as not all these players are unique (multiple accounts).
  16. >Nope. But usually trade lock is about for a 3 days or so. LO Support ignoring every single ticket, i guess i can buy Jocker Tickets and cancel transaction in my bank app so they will finally respond me. (I can do it, lol, cuz we have a policy that saves u from scammers, and LO looks like a scammers when selling u something but its not working how i should) Cuz it's crazy, they ignoring every ticket about any question even Armas problems. So if they receive 200$ but transaction will be canceled after they will finally do something, and they will not respond, they will just block account without any response to previous tickets LOL
  17. Hello everyone, We are currently experiencing issues with our email system, which is affecting the delivery of emails for password resets and new account registrations. We are working hard to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and will update you once everything is back to normal. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.
  18. .45 is fine, i got it for free long ago account wide with the friend referral system there was. Useless gun pile is too big in APB so i think it should be better to start making those more viable instead of adding more guns to the pile.
  19. Hello, are there any official ways to replenish the account in Russia?
  20. Maybe the game shouldn't show the email address associated with your account in the login screen.
  21. Then all handguns should be nerfed. Balance should not about 1 individual weapon, but on how a weapon unbalances games. These are new days. Everybody is on the same servers. This gun completely unbalances the whole game. Lets not underestimate its huge multiple sale value. Players buy it, get banned, create a new account, buy it again , get banned, go to their other account, buy it again etc.....
  22. Exactly, the only reason when you're going to get hacked is when you straight up give the hackers your information such as your logins... Clicking on random links for example that turn out to be phising links tend to cause such as thing, or how you can get your login information stolen through having your internet cookies getting breached... Which also tends to happen when you click on weird/shady links on the internet... People are having their facebook/YouTube accounts getting stolen due to the exact same reason, by clicking on some weird link that turned out to be a phising link.. Take Facebook for example, it is filled to the brim with bot accounts/stolen accounts spamming their telegram link everywhere.. If one were to click on that very same link, well.. Congrats then, you've exactly given them what they were after, your private information such as your login passwords.... Same shit goes for creditcards, nobody can randomly hack into it unless YOU are the one who gave them the keys of the front door to begin with... Especially if you don't have extra layers of security in the forms of 2FA authentication for example, or by having a actual strong password instead of "abcdefg012"... If people were to pay more attention to the stuff that their/they're clicking on on the internet, a lot less of these situations were to happen.. But no, here we are still having these problems because people simply aren't paying enough attention... If people actually did, these things were less common...
  23. i understand why, to re-ignight the servers, boost the population etc... But the banning needs to be more hands on and as a customer, myself and others want to see some sort of feedback on the bannings. The AMA was good and quelled many fears. But i am still running into cheaters with all the same cheats. It was fun for the last few weeks, but this week its started to slip with cheaters etc.. Not just new accounts but full level gold clans with railguns in their pockets.
  24. Well their new explanation is that an account associated with my account owes that money and I have to pay to get my account back. WTF the only account that can be associated with mine is the idiot that hacked my account 6 months ago. But it makes no since that they hacked my account drained it and Little Orbit recovered my account and recovered my stolen legends and then 3 months later they suspend me for being associated with thier account, SERIOUSLY. "Banging my head against the wall" Oh and they gonna ban me from forums for showing my tickets or conversations with support in the forums because its confidential infomation. Not aloud to speak out about their wrong doing I guess.
  25. There's a couple layers to the threat calc: Score: The more score you have the more your threat changes. Score comparison: Your score vs everyone else's score - this is the top 50% gain threat, bottom 50% lose threat part. Confidence value: The system predicts how much score you will get, the closer your actual score is to the system's prediction the more confident the system gets in its future predictions and the less your threat will change if you suddenly under or overperform the systems prediction. This is why a fresh account can go from trainee to gold after only 3 matches but a gold veteran can dethreat for days (even weeks) without going silver. Confidence value comparison: Same rules as the last layer, except the system predicts how much score you will get in relation to everyone else. The actual calculation part is probably decent, but there are some major flaws that ruin the whole threat system: How score is awarded: The vast majority of scorable actions award positive score. Objectives, kills, medals. Standing near a defense objective awards score. Existing while an attack objective is completed awards score. Winning a mission awards extra bonus score. Not only are the score rewards from actions overinflated (e.g. +100 score for an enemy kill even if only 150 damage was done), but the only way to actually lose score is through demerits. Deaths don't affect score, team damage (not kills) doesn't affect score, being too far from the objective doesn't affect score. Losing an objective doesn't affect score. This snowballs with the second flaw. Negative score doesn't count: Ending a mission with 0 score or below does not affect threat. Nothing gained, nothing lost. This was an attempt to stop people from dethreating either by going afk or racking up demerits, but it also means that the score system can't be adjusted for actions that take away score. Anti-dethreating measures: . The system automatically boosts all threat gains and reduces all threat losses. Back when threat segregation existed and dethreating was rampant this was G1's brilliant solution. I don't know if this "mechanic" still exists, but I don't remember any mention of it being disabled. Global threat percentages: The final flaw in the system is that anyone can be any threat at any time. Ideally only a certain percentage of the active population should be allowed at each threat level. So for example only the top 15% of active players should be gold and in order for you to threat up and become gold, someone else has to threat down and become silver. This mechanic doesn't exist, G1 had to manually rebalance the threat percentages (the last time was in 2015 I think?). Combined with score inflation and anti-dethreating measures it means everyone's threat trends upwards, which has ended up with half the population being gold, the other half silver, and no one is (legitimately) green.
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