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  1. was about to say I thought you could easily spoof phone numbers. Alright new plan. Lets just have it be our social security number to one APB account
  2. I've had my account for over a decade and I've never been banned once. You tried being an edgelord and now you're whining because you got more than you bargained for. Oh but "others are doing it why aren't they getting banned too? *crying face". Take some responsibility. If the worst thing I do is make shitty takes, then I'm still better than you. Die mad.
  3. Another shit take from the creator of really shit takes lmao. Why dont we talk about your fuckin 2-shot FBW suggestion? Bahahahaha Lets see you get your account broken over something as minor as a symbol. Saw a bunch of cars driving around will full out swastikas, plenty of hentai/nude symbols (all break TOS), and nothing gets done. But yeah, "i deserved it" for having a tiny little badge on my jacket. Fuck off
  4. Joined Feb 2 2023, It shows on your account.
  5. im pretty sure that's how most games operate. Another amazing change would be to make fight club matchmaking not take factions into account so crims and enforcers can be on the same side. This would keep the fight club games pretty interesting.
  6. I can't select the APB support option because every time I select it and log in it asks me to create an account and I'm already logged in???
  7. Joined this year? Many players have offered help over the past 12-13 years that have shown they have the skills needed to help with on more trusted accounts.
  8. as i know and as i have said. LO support will activley go out of there way to make it not there problem and not do jack shit about. I lost acess to an account right. gave them emails ip and everything they asked for. what was the respone? "well we can not prove it is you" bigfarger i gave you a court order of documents that prove the account is mine and you are refusing to use your resorces to fix the issue Does not matter now i only wanted it for FE if it came back, but seeing how they got wiped they can keep it and on a second note they threated a friend of mine with a ban becuase they acussed her of doing something wrong when she was not 1/10 support team i'd get better luck shoving my arm up an elephants butt looking for gold
  9. I think it can definitely help prevent smurf accounts and then can add a layer of security if they want to introduce 2FA to prevent users being compromised. +1
  10. Implementing mobile only accounts as a layer of extra protection can significantly prevent a big percentage of cheaters. This is a life saver for F2P games like Warzone. It will prevent a lot of cheaters without much effort. Smurfs who use alt accounts for either cheating or not can also be prevented.
  11. I agree, its very clear that some cheats have gotten updated to support 64Bit already but that's why EAC is coming in the hopefully very near future, when is out of LO's hands right now as they're apparently waiting on Epics part of the integration but I'm sure LO is well aware that the sooner they get EAC going the sooner they can start actually tackling the cheating issue APB is having. Cheaters will always be a thing tho, its just a matter of how fast you can detect their cheat and ban their accounts, its basically impossible to keep them out entirely, even if they got banned in the past.
  12. What's the point of reporting if there are no active moderators? 1.3 is bringing some old players back like myself and my friends but clearly cheaters are still riding the wave and not giving a single damn. Because even if they get mass reported it will take days until/if they get banned and creating a new account takes 5 minutes. BattlEye is doing absolutely nothing to stop them
  13. This needs to be added to the in game options. Most people look in the options to find optional settings, not files in the installation folder. It's counter intuitive. Speaking of installation folder, stop writing temporary and config files to the installation folder. Move these files to directories where the end user has proper permissions. This will enable individual Windows user accounts to have separate settings. This will also increase security for users who use push to talk in apps like Discord, since they will not need to run Discord as admin to be able talk. Suggestions for temporary files. This includes sub directories. I would add the option to add APB.exe shortcuts to the desktop and start menu, during the installation. The launcher is only needed for updates and repairs. There's no reason to use it otherwise.
  14. that is if they're permanent account bound (or if bought for said new character xd)
  15. 1) They're a private company, whatever you do they can just terminate your account. Surely a perm. ban is on the table when you try skirt/break ToS. 2) I'm not bent out of shape over anything? You think I'm somehow upset with you using SS symbols... I don't really care what you do you can have your freedom of expression but don't get so bent out of shape when a company takes action against something in their ToS. 3) Just because you believe it to be a joke maybe not everyone agrees that your joke is "funny"? gg B)
  16. Or have support staff who arent braindead. You know, cause theyre a fair bit more of a critical component to the game than 1 player is. Merged. Because 1) I knew it wasnt going to be a perm ban for a couple pixelated symbols 2) Same reason youre getting so bent out of shape about it. I mean jesus christ my clan name is "Hippity Hoppity Women Are Property" and that doesnt piss off anyone and didnt get removed when I got temp'd. I feel like theres more people who'd get offended about that versus an SS symbol, but maybe Im not like you and dont assign evidence-less arbitrary value to random things. I made all of this stuff back when "edgy" was the trend. It was made as a joke, some people laughed, some people apparently got really overly offended by it. I accepted my consequence, I dont accept having my account broken over it and neither would anyone else if all they were supposed to get was a 7 day temp ban. 3) Ive made plenty of things with the editor. Currently my character is Naked Snake from MGS3, and Ive designed and sold some of the best looking non-copy/paste cars out there. Making 1 tiny 140p symbol as a joke shouldnt result in my account not having access to core game mechanics. Merged. I did. Since my ban I havent made any "harmful" symbols or anything like that, regardless of how I personally feel about it. I accepted my consequence of a temp ban, but doesnt mean my account should get royally destroyed. Im not out here blasting the n-word left and right, like honestly Yeah, showcases the mentality of the bare remaining population of this game community. I think "progressive" and "inclusive" are probably the 2 most polar opposite terms in relation to the APB community.
  17. dw I agree. Why even chance it if you love your account so much
  18. Hello Gang, Been here since the RTW Days, then Gamersfirst, Now LilOrbit. From years back they kept talking about creating a new MAP (District) something about combining waterfront and financial together. Also as well redoing the game to be updated with the newest UNREAL Engine (not sure if that stalled out). I think for custom clothing and vehicles maybe take it off the "subscription" base so it would welcome NEW players and bring back old players. Since you are CAPPED with a FREE account how many graphics or items you can put on clothing or a vehicle maybe tweak that a bit, possibly make just a In Game Store like pretty much all the other games do now and offer custom clothing, designs, cars and things made by Lil Orbit, charge like X number of $$ for game coin and run with it. Maybe a New Referral System? and for members who invite folks who say purchase "in game" money kick back a bit to the member who invited them to join the game or "rejoin" the game. I am thinking if Console/PC version were cross compatible as well that might help as well, sort of like what fortnite did with there system so anyone who plays any device can use there login and everything works properly. It would be great IF i could login using my console and have all my stuff PC wise on there.
  19. are we supposed to be inclusive of people who dress like nazis just to incite people? his broken account sucks and i'd be mad if it happened to me, but at the end of the day it all could have been avoided if the guy didn't intentionally break the rules, so nah i really don't have any sympathy
  20. luckily all you have to do to avoid "incompetent account handling" is not dress like a nazi
  21. OP's trying to get their account fixed, and possibly prevent this type of incompetent account handling in the future, but instead gets harassed. So progressive, so inclusive.
  22. gg ez no re You're a dumbass. You have the ability to create near anything you can imagine with the editor and you proceed to make some SS symbols to RP as a Nazi? It's not "funny" to a LOT of people, your actions have consequences. Not that I'm saying those things should have happened to you but what did you expect? Would you be okay with your account getting totally nuked? At least then you wouldn't get blueballs... having your character there but.. not there.. LOL GGNORE You should explain to us why the SS uniform was so important to create, and why it's so humorous that you would knowingly risk ToS? Please, explain the joke.
  23. So, about 8 months ago I was rightfully and justifiably temp banned. For context on that, I had designed a fairly innocuous symbol, it was a small patch on my jacket and helmet. The ones on my shoulder and chest were just a rank and medal symbol but dont know who would get offended by what so all censored. I understood and accepted that ban, expecting the offending symbol to be removed. About a week goes by and the ban is lifted. Well, the offending symbol was definitely removed. So was my exp. And about half of my legendary weapon collection. Rank 251 down to Rank 239, a significant chunk of time when youre high rank trying to grind. They also completely broke my ability to use equipment, character mods, consumables, and vehicle mods. All slots locked, as if I was an Rank 0. I wont post the support ticket or any info inside of it because of ToS, but needless to say it could be a small book. Wanna know something else? They claim they cant add the rank back. (Really? You have zero tools to add xp/rank to a character? Bull. Shit.) They manually gave me 1 singular legendary weapon back, and that took about 4 attempts because they kept sending me a bugged one (assumed debug weapon) instead of the actual legendary (a new glory). Honestly, from the sheer amount of mental gymnastics Ive had to endure through this entire process, and just now attempting to restart the process today to get my shit back, I get told "oh hurr durr shouldve followed the ToS durrrrrrrrr". Keep in mind my character is still bugged and completely unable to use any equipment, consumables, mods, or vehicle mods. Literal core game mechanics. How the fuck do you tempban someone and proceed to completely annihilate their character, work, and time while youre at it? Arma, Rust, WoW, CounterStrike, no other MMO Ive ever seen in my time on this planet has ever managed to completely and utterly massacre such a simple process of tempbanning someone. @MattScott Tagged because I literally have no idea who to talk to (above support) about getting my character into a playable state again because support has been utterly useless in this entire process. Potentially offensive symbols censored. Check rank, JT, credits. Before the ban: After the ban: Notice the locked slots, and rank? Yeah. Completely unusable now. That consumable slot shows as open, but I cant equip anything in it. No equipment, no char mods, nothing. Absolutely and utterly incompetent support. UPDATE: I also found out I no longer have access to any vehicle customization parts Ive bought, and I had every single one available for every car except the Mikro. This is a *significant* amount of monetary loss/damage. UPDATE 2: As a big f-you to everyone who dislikes me, my account now has full functionality again. Reaching my old rank of 251 has somehow, bewilderingly, fixed my account. GG.
  24. Tried to hop on for an old nostalgia kick, and noticed that the server trackers seemed to state people were playing, though the site server tracking said it was down. I get an issue that it's down for maintenance but it works on my console fine. Granted all my progress was on my steam account. I'm not sure if this has to do with it my issues, but this is all gibberish/doesn't make a lick of sense to me.
  25. Rust uses EAC. The official servers are unplayable due to the amount of cheaters. There's lots of players who can jump higher and fly. There's magic bullet that lets you hit any player within range without aiming at them. It can even hit behind walls. These players do get banned eventually but only through mass reporting. If obvious cheats like that are getting past, I doubt the less obvious are ever detected. They changed the recoil system from patterns to random because of the wide usage of no recoil macros. I don't see EAC being this magical fix like others see it. If LO ignore blatant cheaters, like ones who post clips of themselves cheating and have multiple steam accounts each with multiple VAC bans, I doubt it's going to be different with another brand anti-cheat.
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