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  1. Indeed, I wonder if you will get 4 characters now or 2 accounts lmao.
  2. heres the vid i can go in game and theres no characters made on that account. but trying to register with my old name says its taken when it isn't
  3. Lol, sorry I would add something but I just wanted to announce my amusement. How on earth can you register an account 4 times on one email.
  4. Hi, ive been trying to contact the g1 forums for a MONTH because of their stupid password reset i cant access my account since i dont have the account to which my steam is connected to. support appreantly needs a MONTH to get the accounts to their respective owners, i understand the transition new forums and etc. BUT COME ON THIS IS RIDICULOUS
  5. the game has been changing owners, and theres now a completely new support team id assume you should send in a ticket since this is an account related issue
  6. All the guns have their own things going for them. Since APB has been pretty much just the die-hard fans and the people that come across it, the game needs to be able to keep players. Personally, I love the game and have recently got a couple friends into the game myself and they love it. There isn't a game like it, we cant just get caught up on the "balance" even though its a minor issue. I know the date of this account isn't really anything to prove, but I thank the people like you keeping the game kicking all this time!
  7. Agreed, I used to play on a much older account, but sadly I lost that one and couldn't play well due to the "craptop" I was running it on. Either way thanks for showing me there are parts of this community that do love the game. With that, I bid you a good night. o/
  8. While all of that is true... my account isn't banned. Just needs an email change because of the password expire. Shouldn't be that complex.
  9. you buy a hack for 10$ and Cheating the hell out of your butt and after you get banned you say: " I am so sorry, i cheating becouse apb is so dead and only cheating players are online, i want to play like the good players" and then you get your account back, so that is the way to play like the Best. Little tip: to become your account back after you get banned text the Support, it's best to add a screenshot with your friends in the old times from Apb. works only with new publisher LittleOrbit
  10. Sounds fair to me. If they earned that progression while cheating it's null. If not then fine just unban them. I'm sure they will sort out everything and see who needs to actually be unbanned. At least you got your account back... Unfortunately, a lot of people who did get banned came back cheating full force reroll faceroll. Let us see how that changes with BE/FF. They might be at the point of no return...
  11. Just a question coming from someone who doesn't even know APB has stats... but what is even the deal about it? If you were banned, you lost the account. You are left with zero. But now you might have it back... So regardless of the stats being kept or resetted, it's already a great reward. I don't see any "double punishment" as some say.
  12. Great we'll wipe your account too and not only that we will ban any account you make from playing the game for 3 years. Then in 3 years you can come back and see if you feel the same way. Not only that but we'll ban any account that touched your IP address and make it so even people who aren't you get banned. My old room mate was banned because he was on the same IP i was a year ago and they wouldn't unban him at all.
  13. Well I assumed we had moved on from the removing the vehicle comment but i guess not. This issue comes down to griefing or removing player interaction. You either play GTA and play alone. Or you play apb and all the ups and downs that come with it. I agree that a passive mode would be nice at least while in missions. Additionally, New players/early rank players rarely spend money on a game. ( i work marketing for another game, so this isn't an assumption) While it is important to not abandon them. But its the curse of being really bad at a video game. If you cant get out of the worst of the worst in terms of servers. You are bound to have rerolls. As soon as people can get over the fact that "rerolls" will ALWAYS exist, be it in a free game or paid game. The sooner we can get into actually resolving issues for the other 99% of the player base. Short of going to their home and blowing up their computers/consoles and draining all of their money from their bank accounts to prevent a new pc and making all of their friends hate them to prevent them from loaning them their PC. Nothing will solve that issue so lets stop grasping at the straw-man case and deal with the majority.
  14. I understand how a streamer can benefit, but again...everyone uses Summit. He has played APB before so his viewers are aware of it. He can tweet about it, post it to his feeds, etc. I don't want to see the game changed because some noobs feel like griefing the guy whenever he plays once every 3 months. While APB was supposed to be a triple A title with 100,000+ players it isn't. It's a niche game at this point. Niche games gain population from word of mouth. Like I said before, I've recommended the game before the Little Orbit purchase and brought in 4-5 players and from what they've told me, they have spent some money on the game as well....around $200 maybe? They all are enjoying it and have played over 100 hours. I assume their close steam friends have noticed their game activity. This is how the population grows. The deadzone thing could be a good idea if implemented correctly. I am sure the trolls will still find a way to exploit it or grief whoever they want to grief. They will just block the zone with their cars anyway or whatever. You aren't going to get instant bannings, but I am sure they will receive a temp ban if reported with video evidence. As for players rerolling after their grief ban, they are going to grief regardless but I think full time griefers are a very small minority in this population. In my 5000+ hours in the game I have never been griefed to the point where it's an issue that makes me not want to play. If a sore loser takes their griefing overboard, hit them with a temp ban. Anyone with armas stuff and hours on their account will want to keep it and most likely change their way. Generally in the past griefing reports were just ignored. While I understand big time streamers are a different animal and attract different kinds of griefers, what is wrong with my idea of them (or anyone) being able to spin up their own custom district? I am sure the big time streamers have enough friends and/or followers they can invite into their district and play the game with it's core elements. Summit can still stream and play the game and not get griefed. It will still showcase the game that his viewers supposedly will play. My suggestion also benefits any player/clan who want to do scrimmages or host clan only or any other custom event. I just don't think griefing is a big of an issue for 99% of the players so I don't want to see Little Orbit concentrate their efforts on this while there are much greater issues with the game at the present time.
  15. Contact the support and explain your situation. Then provide the details to verify that its your account. And pray that you know the details of your account.. When my account was hacked, support even asked me the EXACT DATE OF ACCOUNT CREATION AND TIME.....
  16. Smart. I mean... you could have sold the account and then claim it was hacked. Just a thought.
  17. For staff to try and somehow find out how many hours each banned account had left of premium is not realistically possible. Little Orbit out of a gesture of good will could offer all banned accounts like a 3 day premium code to redeem.
  18. Getting the account back should be enough. Buy some JK Boxes and get it back <:^) The only thing u get back are the G1C u had before getting banned. (automatically)
  19. Contact support obviously, with another email/account.
  20. How can i become a GM? I will stop trolling (the few times i do), and hold the fight clubs clear from blatants. I am putting my account on the line if i abuse my powers once you can insta ban me!
  21. You can still post indirectly, by referencing us to your twitter account and announcing new vids posted on youtube, via twitter
  22. So I like you wanted to know if Battle Eye was really having an effect on the current Cheater Population. I would say currently yes it is. There are still people who have free accounts and don't care about re-rolling and using a new HWID every time they re-roll. Those people will never be gone from the game whether they get banned every week or everyday. They will just re-roll and do what they do. As far as the more casual pub cheats, I have included snippets below from some of the most widely known cheat sites, without naming them, here are the comments and status's of cheats as of today.
  23. A vet player is still going to slam a new player in to the ground even if the entire setup was switched around; vets with no mods and star vs new players with 3 slots and any mods. This is not an issue with the mods or any other setups in general, it is just a consequence of the game's smaller population and games with progression in general. The only positive outcome I see from allowing mods at any rank is vets on new accounts being able to use whatever they want, and new players having everything right away. However this comes at the cost of destroying part of the games progression system and you could argue just allows vet players to have an even greater advantage on lower rank accounts due to being able to play with what they are familiar with. This is less of an issue with modifications and more of an issue with matchmaking struggling with the low population and new players unsure as to where to start.
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