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  1. I have heard things about a new apb reloaded coming and my only question is if you plan on scraping apb reloaded and only keeping the customization side and getting rid of all of the contacts / progress / items / cars etc that would decrease population as soon as you released the new game and my thought is maybe you guy's could come up with a process such as it's like refunds but its more like ingame currency for people who have spent tons of money on this game and basically it would be like a compensation method of keeping old players that have spent tons of money on this game another way of keeping population is figuring out how to transfer account data from character to character that way people do not entirely lose everything such as money themes and songs if you plan on remaking apb i would suggest that you also make it more with story driven and more new comer welcome also i believe with this game that has great potentional it is the only game of its kind to have unique customization such as clothing designing car designing theme making song making and so on i liked the concept of it i just feel it needs more diffrent types of game modes such as one map could be open world free for all like riot except they had teams or like the halloween event that g1 had where people had to work together to survive then you could have a whole new rework of missions and maybe make voice chat exist in the next upcoming apb .
  2. It's my first post, but I had to on this topic, I'm a bit worried about the direction apb could take in the future. Dear LO, Matt Scott and APB Community, I believe the Creators of APB had a clear Vision about the "Soul" of this Game, I don't think they had no other options the time they coded it they wanted a such deep community driven experience which APB is. They did introduce the threat district system for a reason, in my eyes to regulate matchmaking and to form deep bonds in its community, like friendships and rivalries. To my APB is meant to be a fun chaotic experience where you get deep In merged in its Gameplay and in its Community. If it's a good or bad experience is regulated by other factors. Take WoW for an example, they did go with a system called sharding. Is it a good system? Well, for Server performance yes, but for the Community that's a no. It doesn't felt like a whole community anymore, more like a "sharded" one. I name this example because cross districts, remind my of that sharding system, which was also a reason I did lose interest in games with similar or related systems. I bet not so few remaining APB players have the same feelings about cross districts. If cross districts are enabled, it would scatter known people, which are not in the own group across districts making the possibility of running into them rare it would feel pretty isolated. The Cross District would at least weaken if not shatter the bonds in its Community, other problems like loading between matches and so on, were already addressed before, so I don't want to go deeper into them. We have enough games that aren't any fun anymore nowadays, apb is thankfully in how is feels unique, that's not only thanks to its customization but also the way how it handles its community concept, it's more old school, then modern isolated life sucked out every man for them self stuff. If a player comes online and sees their many known people in that one district, lets joins for a fun experience with them, but cross district will destroy such things and yes then for example a streamer could say they're harassing me when they can choose the district. As sayd it's not the fault of the threat districts more like the lack of effective measures against cheating, griefing and toxicity. A system that weakens a such fundamental thing as society is not a solution for a problem. And think over it when the cross district system decides which player should be matched with another one, what prevents a good player playing poorly til the system decides to let him battle against weaker players, there will be always a way to bypass a system. If LO updated APB to 64bit so that a server-side Anti Cheat System can be reintroduced and did penalize toxic behavior and griefing more intensely by Moderators or programs that watch over the chat activity/life gameplay and offer a support in which cheaters and toxic people are reported and efficiently punished, what would make apb a very fun experience again and would attract new players to and former players back to APB, if that goes hand in hand with Advertisement campaign to bring new people in, I would bet only a very minor part of the community or even no one would even want something like cross districts. Especially not if LO would, improve the threat district system. Here are some possibilities, if they are good, is debatable. Make it harder to assume how high a threat of a player is, give dethreating a cooldown in time and/or played matches, like after a player went from silver to gold they cannot dethreat before some time is passed and an x ammount of matches are played. Options could be, the dethreat timer could then for example only start to go down if that ammount of games are played or the timer will only partially goes down and stop when no x amount of games are played for a time period. Like, a 7-day detheat timer stops to go down if not at least 3 matches are played every day or a 30-day timer stops if less than 7 matches are played in a week. The dethreat process can be set up to be very mild or very hardcore depending on the current need for it. Even if they make multiple accounts they wouldn't be able to play with their main account for endgame progression on lower threat districts and even those new accounts would then become gold and at that point those would be also locked out from bronze or green districts too. If the parameters of dethreating are set up correctly, it would become a very annoying and tedious process to dethreat an account and would significantly decrease the timespan high skill players would be able to play on low threat districts, which could become an afterthought. I really care for apb and I hope LO will carefully think over implementing cross districts and see the possibilities of the system what the creators had decided for and in case we would have a healthy player base again how it could be improved further if it is still necessary.
  3. They should make you pay for all the boxes you exploited to get the account back.
  4. Well, they are not "victims" and they deserved a punishment, but a permanent ban is too much in my opinion, it's enough with temporal ban and remove the FFA obtained with the exploit or money if they sold them. So I hope they can recover their accounts as soon as possible.
  5. Schoolgirl and goth schoolgirl packs account bound for a limited time? I have multiple characters, 1399 per character is a bit steep. Could also make all guns 50% off, but that might be a little too dark.
  6. i like making outfits with 10-15 clothes at a time and with 6 slots for an outfit each that adds up quick and im not able to buy any more or add onto them at a later date. Same with symbols i have to move symbols around on my accounts in order to have space. What if we increased the clothes and symbol limit to 100 same with the themes and songs in the game.
  7. In an unnamed popular free FPS game a lot of people play, you can get a 'storage locker' for your inventory that acts as one entry in the menu but when opened carries other items. I'd happily pay a small amount on ARMAS for this. My weapon list has a lot of account-wide weapons I rarely use and I'd like them to not be in the way of the list when changing weapons amongst those weapons I mostly use. Alternatively a favouriting system would be nice (favourites appear at the top) and the ability to drag the weapons around into an order of your choosing, but I doubt LO could make us pay for this.
  8. Dear Reiheit, Thank you for your fast replies, unfortunately I have lost around 90 sniper kills these were progressing alright except the role showing 95/12 not leveling up the role and now it only displays 7/12. Could this be fixed on my account I play a lot and would hate to lose progress on any of my roles....? The activity roles are progressing fine now and displaying all the progress made so far thanks a lot for such a fast fix! I ofcourse look forward to your reply and thanks for your time. with kind regards, BoboWigglebrain
  9. 1) Adding new missions is possible and a tool devs have already used in past during the ages making the gameplay more entertainment. it's also true community for ages has posted several good advices about it and unfortunately both G1 and then LO ignored them, anyway seeing your lack of knowledge about it, you can check by yourself in the game suggestion section. 2) Events are something of a tool for breaking the routing from mission or normal gameplay, it's a feature only used in festival.. that's such a disappointment is so restricted and we dont have a weekend or montly events such as other more lively games, anyway neither G1 nor LO never invested or thought enough of some good events with little adjustment can be adapted in matchmaking Anarchy is such a sadly example of a forgotten one with so much potential and a lot of times community for ages screamed for how much this event is beatiful and not used properly. For answering your question, ANARCHY can be reworked and make finally the so awaited CLAN/ GANG WARS since from G1 we are waiting for a release and LO totally skipped the idea. Clans has no sense in game, imagine rework it for a matchmaking involving CLANS with a format of 15 vs 15 or 30 vs 30 formats, then put a decent reward system around it for pushing players feeling rewarded in competition and then finally we have another tasty matchmaking tool. There are tons of suggestions for a better matchmaking or adding more tools adviced during the years from the community and far away better than mine, like there was one about making some events/ matchmaking allowing the use of special weapons with pre-nerfs stats in VIPS missions or some missions like the old HVR or old Osnaw and seeing again something fun like this: G1 didnt give a f*ck care except the usual false promises or ignoring the community, at the beginning LO made some timid trying without consulting the community for then they totally drop out from the scenes, seeing the Game suggestion section of the forum still being ingnored or no one of the LO team with the duty of managing contenent , if it really exist??, commenting in the section, we have already the answer. Too bad, the publishers G1 AND LO didnt explorer and investing in a team working on adding different matchups, from their side there is a big potential for making EXTRA MONEY. PURCHASING PREMIUM HAS NO SENSE because give very little for end players, it's a total loss of opportunity from their side, but so in case of adding new matchmakings for example a clan wars system or other different matchmaking types, it can be restricted to 2 or 3 times per week while for PREMIUM players there may be NO RESTRICTION and they can also play as random mercenary and join where clan has shortage on numbers.... TOTAL AND TOTAL LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY 3) Green/ Bronze/ Silver/ Gold treats are kinda of too much plotholes, overall we are agree doensnt favour new players and some end players, these little babies or "little cents from LO perspective" shall stay distant and have their time for growing their skill and understaing the mechanics of the game. So rank it's not a enough good tool for letting them have time to grew up, why not try focus instead on another parameters like the account time game hrs and the actual level of the character? For hyphotesis, assuming the "0-255 is about 300 to 500 hours , Let's make servers restricted for players aka NEW PLAYERS under the 150/220 hrs of game time and rank below 199, they will automatic join and can only join these servers. These servers will also have restriction for not allowing explosive weapons and weapons cannot be modded more than 1 modication per weapon. Accounts, whatever if they have one or two+ characters, with more than 150/220 total hrs of game time, they will join the advanced pvp servers. Silver and gold servers may still be the final option, there are still players with bad ping and/or low pc and they struggle against gold ranks or just bad/ mediocre players still in improving mode, so ok for letting them enjoy the game and leaving there, but competitive players deserve and need their bitter but tasteful poison, better rewards (with joker tickets, more interesting and restricted missions etc), there is certainly potential for working about it and certainly something better than I am suggesting. The "Dude" here is sorry for the boring story and sorry you didnt get point about wasting opportunity it may means, any decent business is a circle with the needing of roots going far away and deep possible, the current game has nothing to offer to the current players = nothing from cashing for the actual publisher, so what you said is bullsh*t. The dude here also make 3 months vacation and 5 vacations per year and also stinky happy because he tried hard no wasting his opportunities and he is sorry again for the useless post above, because despite the good intentions, mine, yours and others with their suggestions, seeing how it's managed the game, all we wrote here it is a waste of time. Why? Because, We all share the passion for this game and all we would be wrong, but all we know nothing will change. Bye
  10. Must be a social owner. If he joins fightclub in the weekends there is a big chance Name snipped ~@mayii plays. A guy that got banned 40000 times. Out of revenge he cheats on alt accounts blatantly and doesn't get banned for a month or three. Lidl orbit doesn't seem to care much. Shit man can't even play fight club these days.
  11. So I have played in this game for years now then took a break and yet when I came back it keep disconnecting me. My main character Mei Fang when I enter to try as her again disconnect me saying this. Can someone please resolve it? She is locked I think or this account is locked and its annoying.
  12. But our Loaf friend is talking about cheats / cheaters vs genuine players. There is no doubt, a cheater could easily out gun with the FBW and kill quicker than a genuine player using the ntec (or other such as an SMG) in CQC. How Loaf has expressed this and worded the post may not convey the actual suggestion. Loaf is frustrated that in all this time cheaters and cheating is still a big problem today and suggests it is hurting the playerbase / and is one of the biggest contributing factors to the games decline and should be the number 1 priority. I'm not sure what to say about this, do you see what you have done? You imply our Loaf friend has made an assumption about players and yet you do the very same thing based on their forum account. Loaf also mentions the word "decade" in the original post and so I would assume he / she has been around much longer. Loaf, there are posts about the changes to the game (see the A/Q thread ) https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2022/12/22/2022-AMA-RECAP In short nothing will change yet as the game engine and code needs to be updated first. Essentially what will happen is the game will remain identical but all the coding behind it will be modernised. This transition will then allow for and make it easier to change the game content and improve it but in the mean time most of the issues that exist will remain.
  13. Well Yes and No, I think we'll have a week where they will all run to the closet, but the dailys will still come in, but not hack, and during that time allot of these license plate non names will go away. They will start coming back in and testing the system with 'Disposable' accounts. n about 2 weeks later, they'll all be back at it. That's If they Ever Install it.
  14. the actual anti-cheat is Ok. The matter seem so there isnt a proper team updating it in regulary intervals You know.. you can set a different email than your personal mail for youtube or twitch account.. the paypal speech whatever make me spit the cofe on the laptop damn Anyway I am curious... at least Mack show us your character/s, I want to see the cars too
  15. As If that would matter, as if I'm the only one calling hax in NA. Like Bro, I'm almost a Boomer so We don't, Video tape video games. My game play is beside the point, dont need to play to see hackers. n who is 'We'? U mean the hackers that U must represent coming in here 'Cherry picking' to try to dissuade LO into not installing an anti cheat. Whats Wrong 'Bro' ya gettin nervous? Relax, they won't ever install an anti cheat and your friends accounts are safe. Even the guy spamming who hackes your ignore list n removes themselves just after being put on it and continues to spam. No Matt wont do shit to u guys. Your Safe
  16. EAC will only keep cheaters out for a few days at best which is very normal for any Anti-cheat, although I HIGHLY doubt that players have bypassed EAC's measures yet so the chances of running into cheaters right now *should* be extremely low, however, in the coming weeks as cheats get updated they will slowly creep back into the game at which point the cat and mouse game that is cheating / anti-cheat measures continues, this is where BE was lacking, it simply took too long to catch players cheating after they found a way around the measures put in place by the Anti-cheat to prevent injections. How effective EAC will be is going to show in the next few months, not right now as players are very unlikely to be cheating and most ppl are not going to risk their account cheating until they know the cheat is going undetected so the only cheaters you may encounter right now are those testing the cheat and probing the anti-cheat.
  17. Hello, I lost my APB account registration date and I can't find it. How can I solve this problem? I would be grateful if you could help.
  18. Hello APB players, Steam users are currently able to receive promotion codes from a Steam campaign that was run back in 2011. This is due to a issue on Steam's side this campaign is now able to be seen again. The codes are all expired and will not impact your account at all. We are working with Steam to resolve the issue. Thank you all for your patience as we get this resolved. Selali
  19. Hello everyone, We are having a patch on Wednesday 9/19/2018, 2AM PDT/9AM UTC! THIS UPDATE CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING: NEW! • Introducing the NEW Trade System We are excited to bring you a new tool to swap what you got. Have too much of something and want to lighten your load? Have a friend in need? Trade! The trading system will allow you to take your items and swap them with others. • The Prototype A shotgun changes are now active in live districts. • There is now an additional way to extend the lease of items in the edit item menu in the locker and item selection screens. OPTIMIZATION & FINE TUNING • Updated the handling, timing and performance on shotguns • Optimized /ignore functionality • Improved hit notifications to properly display when targets are being hit • Improved the reliability of Spotter character modification • Disabled Open PvP in Weapon Prototype Districts BUG FIXES • Addressed an issue where players, in some cases, could fall through the floor • Fixed an issue where using /unstick while holding a task item would incorrectly end the mission • Fixed an issue related to being able to use fences and hydrants to see players through walls • Fixed issues related to falling through the floor when standing on a task item • Fixed a bug related to ammo not removing the correct amount of APB$ when being refilled • Fixed a bug that accidentally regressed NCR buffs • Fixed a client crash related to logging into the game on accounts with different numbers of characters without completely relogging
  20. There was a migration process during CBT or OBT for RTW veterans to get their accounts/characters back, is this in reference to that?
  21. In that case Is it possible to get my OBT title? (never got into the CBT) Lost my first account years ago. And you can imagine how helpfull support was when it comes to things like this. (played under the name Raxxis i think it was) @Lixil
  22. Took support 8-10 days to swap my email around on my account, figured it was due to the support transition, but I guess it was just #G1Things
  23. Now, why would you go and delete a character? If it's from 2014, I think it's long gone, as I vaguely remember an inactive account/character wipe from back then. Could've been before 2014, not 100% sure.
  24. it would have been nice, but i think the riots from orbit unbanning all those cheater accounts without any changes to the anticheat would have imploded the game before we got the mass re-ban
  25. They are going to have a field day with battleye when it gets patched in and previously banned accounts released. Call it a stress test if you want.
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