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  1. @MattScott Just deleted all my characters and I will also delete this account if possible. Been here since 2012, lost a lot of time and nerves playing this game and I still loved it. Its the biggest garbage of a game I ever played yet I still enjoyed it. Even at times when I played with 30ish FPS. For the past couple of years I kept coming back from time to time, but now this game is officially dead for me. So many things make no sense. The game diverted from its original path long time ago. This APB we play today is not even close to one we had fun with years ago. All good and interesting things are disabled because of minority of cry babies. Many new unnecessary and stupid things were added instead. All weapons are out of balance for the same reason. Beside of few in-game free weapons the rest are complete garbage, not just reskin but actually worse versions of original weapons. Over 90% of Armas weapons are useless. I'm not saying that they should be better but at least the same. It is so boring to play with only few weapons while having full inventory of useless items. Games performance - I'm not even gonna talk about it. And I'm also not gonna talk about the fact that even with 100 players there are still cheaters. So, as I said, goodbye APB, it was fun, at least for the most part. A friendly advice to Little Orbit, just stop. I don't know wtf are you doing at this point and what are you hoping for, but you should let this game rest in peace. It deserves it. Bye.
  2. Good change. I have been dying to buy an Account Wide RSA, but the Hunter with High Optic Scope is a terrible choice. Please for the love of god MAKE IT SKINABLE! If you are going to make it as good offer for players, why not go all the way. The Zebra skin just does not match my outfit or my style. Make that change and you can have my money.
  3. the rules have always been pretty clear that all 3rd party programs that affect the game are at risk of triggering bans - the rule is overly broad specifically to cover situations like this where a program may or may not be malicious but still triggers the anticheat there's never going to be a complete list of all disallowed programs, because no anticheat or developer can account for every random custom coded and distributed program like your stencil tool
  4. Anti-cheat slowed down the performance of the game. When entering account data, characters appear with a delay. After entering the password, you need to pause and then press Enter. After the appearance of anti-cheat, freezing of frames before a shot and performing actions became more frequent. I read your messages you are well acquainted with the game, it is noticeable. You understand that there are few cheaters in the game. Explain this to newbies who are thrown on missions with veterans. They won't believe you. This post is toxic, it conveys my shitty mood. I really don't like to see what happens in the game. All actions are aimed at retaining the old population. But the consequences of these actions have an extremely negative impact on new players.
  5. 1. This will make it even easier for the toxic players to farm lower threat players. They will abandon the mission when they get tougher gold opposition. This contradicts your threat segregation suggestion. 2. Player population was steadily dropping since 2012 or so. Currently there's 1 action district filled. There's not enough players to split between threat levels. 3. People have been complaining about cheaters since online gaming existed. I understand its frustrating, but this is an industry wide problem. It doesn't help that we have max rank Bronze players flooding every cheat discussion thread with their conspiracy theories. "Broken" guns isn't a cheater problem. It's a weapon balance problem. It's unrelated. EAC does not seem to affect performance, at least not enough for me to measure. 4. Those ban threads seemed suspicious. They had multiple people claiming to have been falsely banned, who have never posted on the forums prior. I couldn't find much info on some of the artists who were banned. The one I could find info on was banned on another APB account in 2014. Seems weird that they would get false banned two times.
  6. 1. Blocking the possibility of exiting the mission after the appearance of enemies. It would be more logical to block the exit from the mission before the enemy appears, this will allow the opponent selection system to work better 2. Disabling district threats. Instead of transferring accounts or offering compensation, the developers disabled the threats of districts. I don't understand how this was supposed to help! Where's the fucking logic here? At the time of disabling the danger of the districts, 800 people were playing on the European server, after this decision, the population began to fall sharply. The developers helped 50 veterans in America and lost 400 regular players in Europe. And you keep losing. This is not logical! 3. We listened to the complaints of the players about the "cheaters", spent six months implementing the anti-cheat. "Cheaters" also run around with BROKEN guns. Anti-cheat prevents the game from working normally by causing friezes. Great job, well done! 4. Anti-cheat bans artists. Developer actions - ...well, let him ban them, they also used a cheater's drawing skill. -_- I do not know, maybe you have a super cool plan for the development of the game... But judging by the complete lack of logic in your decisions, you will have wasted a million American presidents. Developers, I sincerely hate you. For your deafness, narrow-mindedness, and most importantly the lack of logic in your decisions.
  7. I have been in apb since 2012-2013 and after my breakout of apb since 2016 , i have finaly come back and play the game . But i notice some changes the servers dont have any limitation if you are bronze , silver or gold you match together and that makes the matchmaking boring and frustrate , because everyone is better than you when i try to relearn the game , sometimes i can make plays but i match with full new accounts and they dont even know what to do , not even jump a fence ... So i have some proposition for the apb team and community . - Make the tutorial more detail , or make tiny map for new players with the basics mecanics of the game to play through - Bring back the bronze , silver and gold servers seperate MAKE NEW ENGINE I hope the game i love when i was a child can continue and be better , and bring more people to the game , with some little changes , revamps and more variation of new content ...
  8. Not really, The old threat system was over a decade ago, no one cares about it anymore, even the engine update didn't made old players continue to play actively and only temporary boost the population during the release. When old players come back and play again, they realise nothing has change, game plays the same, even with the engine update's performance was somewhat a small change which they probably waited for years and game looks the same, there's literally no point in continuing to play again without actual content. This was coming from a friend who played a while back that got me into the game and played with me a day and uninstall because the game was too much of a cringe, he went back to CS-GO. If LO really want to pull in players, the game needs an huge overhaul so it feels modern some ideas includes: Updated UI + Hud + map + inventory (HUD design IS awful + the layout, too much stuff on screen you don't even need, takes up space, map and radar needs to be upgraded feels unfinished) Improve in game performance with basic low configs, game should be running 300fps+ without any dips on high end systems. New Fight club maps New map (midtown) + new contacts and rewards + new rating progression which gives access to players who have reach R195 on an account (This is an end game map for veterans most likely be playing there. New players can enjoy Financial or Waterfront, if players don't have a R195 on their account, they can purchase a 7- day pass from the JT store. New pledging system allowing the player's manually pledge to anyone from FN or WF contacts. Update new player's rewards system each specific rank milestone they should be given a 7-30 days pre mod weapon of choice and 30-day pre mod choice of car. Update Clan system (having a clan ranking system gives meaning to be in a clan and grouping which shows clan ranking total wins before reset) Update beginners car (give them a race car, not the beetle car) New clothing which are decent. New re-skin weapons which are decent. Weapon balance, buff the weapons that are rarely usable. But in the end if they found out only 1 person is working for the game, who's going to actually invest playing again? the current roadmap only have some quality life changes. The highest momentum of players coming back was the engine update which brought players to play again, which they didn't even do anything during those weeks???
  9. interesting read. So , some things im sure you have already tried. but to cover base il run through a check list. first of all, check your account allows you to install programs on your system. sounds stupid but there has been a known ms update that changes your account setup, So 1) Uninstall the game via "control panel / Add remove programs" 2)a) go to your install directory and make sure their is no direct folder titled apb Reloaded, some times some files can get left behind ,., 2)b) If you installed via steam,, go to your steam storage / default directory, (steamapps) you should see "appmanifest_113400.acf" delete this file,. additionally go into "shadercache" and if you have a folder with the same app id "113400" delete this as well. 2)c) if you installed the game from the stand alone launcher you will need to locate the directory you selected and double check it is clear, additionally go to C:\Users\"your account name"\AppData\Local - Look for anything folder related to gamersfirst of apbreloaded. and delete them. Within this same directory you should have "battlEye" Delete this folder and contents. also C:\Users\"your account name"\AppData\Roaming - check for gamers first / APB folder and delete them. You do not need to go diving into each folder or delete anything from temp files. 3) Restart your system, this is vital when uninstalling / reinstalling games / programs as the system has to finalise files/process. 4) download the latest Direct X (link for the lates DX Via Microsoft site) and NetFramework (link for the latest 4.8 via microsoft site) for your os. also look to check your system drivers are up to date. 5) antivirus, if you are running 3rd party antivirus, check it is not restricting installations, you should also be able to see a history log, if all looks clear continue., 6) download a fresh installer from the game site or steam library. try installing the game via the launcher, I would recommend not changings its default installation directories, unless you want it on a secondary device if you know what your doing, 3 DO NOT do anything whilst it is downloading., once it has complete the download and install, do not run the game and close the launcher, you can now check your antivirus again to see if it has detected anything or isolated any files. if it looks clear, then try to load the game. if you got an error whilst downloading the game, then normally i would look at a program, like your antivirus or anti-malware, defender or something is monitoring and restricting your traffic , for a good reason but it could be a false flag. Note that if you are on a business class router or behind a business server this can be a problem. Copying files.. As a rule copying the game from one Device to another providing both are yours and your accounts its not an issue, as this is how you can backup your games. so if it is working on your laptop simply copying the game directory contents (files with in the apb directory folder) and placing them in the directory folder on the other system should be fine., So for example pc1\c:\programfiles\gamersfirst\APB Reloaded\ "contents to pc2\e:\steam\common\APBReloaded\ "contents" - you can then load the launcher go to options and Verify files. BUT they must be your files linking to your gamersfirst account. if the issue persists then yes you have a deeper problem.
  10. I feel like cheaters are on descent, there is less players after anti-cheat updated and i feel like it is because of it. i personally saw low rank obvious cheaters that were online for 1-2 days and then gone, they had new accounts so i guess they got banned before or just testing. And also the toxicity agoinst LO might be started by cheaters. LO and Matt Field have not done anything bad to the game, just good things with 64 bit and anti-cheat.
  11. Here is what we have after waiting 5 yrs for upgrade so we could have anticheat. Back in 17' we had segregated districts, so most hackers inevitably turn gold, n therefore at that time were segregated to the higher threat districts. Only becoming a problem to the general pop if they dethreated then entered the bronze server. bout 3 yrs ago, a bunch of golds, hackers, n trolls cried in this forum to the dev's over n over again till they back stabbed the general pop n let golds into bronze district. At the time they did this there were only maybe 10 golds that played NA, and another 10 Regular players who played bronze. So LO gave the poor excuse for back stabbing their long paying customers n said pop was too low for segregation. This in conjunction with giving back all the banned accounts from fair fight over the years, and turning off FF. So we waited, we even kept paying and buying in good faith that as soon as the engine was done, We'd get our anticheat n all the bad hackers would go away. So bout 4-5 months back they Achieved 64bit engine. Said Anti cheat was first on the list, and We waited. Word was they had to test and 'adjust' eac to make sure it dint falsely ban. So they watered it down to nothing more than a stain on your britches, a Label. They released it and we had about 12 hrs of peace, and a large contingent of hackers Cracked it in 12 hrs, n all the golds came rushing back in. At this time they also had a podcast or what ever u kids call it, where the game was advertised. This brought a Bus Load of new players in, and old players back, who stayed a few weeks till it petered down a bit. So population has risen, but mostly for EU, NA is still struggling to fill a server. Now back to the anti cheat. it seems it will not detect 3rd party like ff did, im not sure what exactly it does do. But it was cracked, n its pretty much common knowledge it was. So the word has been if you see or think a hacker. Report it. and Support will investigate it. I don't know if they investigate or not, and I see no evidence they do, I don't see hackers disappearing. I in fact see more and more hacking every day. Not just the idea that if they kill me they hack. No.. I'm talking about hax i haven't seen used since 2k16 or so. Not to mention that the few hackers they did ban recently, were temp and or they made em pay a fine, let em right back in. Now lets talk about MM n since they let the golds into bronze district to farm us. All the missions are one side Grouped Golds V low rank bronzes n low silvers. The chat box is ran by the sweatys. If you say anything they all instantly insult your mother, and claim you are mental cuz your K/D isn't 85-0 n U have no right to speak in Their Chat. So Now it is a Hackers Game, I refuse to report anyone for hacks, due to the back lash i get from their alt accounts and friends. However I don't think any report for hacking goes anywhere or is even read. You see there is this hack called Smooth Aim. it doesn't look like a snap or bot. The player simply sprays in the general direction n most the bullets hit, and because I know this and own most of weapons, and I know their limits for range. Ya I think anyone who gets me n don't miss at 70meters with a carbine is cheating, or they have incredibly good aim, and the wind is blowing the bullets my way. So what is the game now to me, well I dabble. I won't play like I used to cuz its always golds, n if ya get one on your team, he will rant in chat that U aren't carrying the mission for him, tk you cuz he mad you don't cheat or have the super human skills to win. So with no word of fixing eac or any word at all about cheating from Matt, we have no game. I find it almost insulting to have a sale with these types running amok in district, n Ya if they make a full sized pick up or a cowboy holster for my 6-gun I'll buy it, but This is no longer a cop n robber game. It is a hackers squad based sandbox. and the golds see it that way, not as The San Paro Storyline. So you go into every match knowing the other side will most likely be hackers stacked in a group doing their best to keep low ranks from scoring any xp at all, Lunch Room Bullies with computers.
  12. 99.9% were cheating? so you telling me you know 99.9% of the players banned by FF from multiple servers investigated each player's banned? you don't work for Gamerfirst, you are just an average APB player playing their game, you have no way of knowing. The reverse un-banned happen in 2018 why do you hold such a grudge against it? they already punish all accounts, including false bans by stripping away JT$ & APB$. It was a good decision by Mattscott to clean up the mess left by tiggs. Mattscott is far more competent than Tiggs, think about it? what has Tiggs done over the years for APB reloaded? Nothing but lies and feeding the community with sales after a banned wave, just to milk & fool players like yourself in believing Tiggs did a great job. I have proof of false banned by FF 2016 MAY, even a video upon login in was met with a banned, apparently the banned reason falls in the category of 'hack' which was BS. Contacted customer support for a banned appeal Tiggs replied reviewed my account and told me my account will remain suspended. A year later FEB 2018 an email from Tiggs, she had been reviewing some flags that were set previously in Fairfight and identified a false positive, my account did trigger that particular rule set and my account was lifted? So I was banned on 2016 took a year later to found out it was a false positive? if this was another gaming company I would have been compensated by a lot. Now think of how many were falsely trigger by this rule-set. Tigg's lied.
  13. yes, it was a blanket term used as an olive branch to return accounts back to players that everbody knew were cheating. It is something i would have done myself, if i had taken over APB. Plenty of players openly discussed getting their ban reversed as a "false ban" despite them actually using cheats. I would suggesst that of all the players "False Banned" 99.9% were cheating in some way shape or form.
  14. EAC is nothing like it was before. I know multiple cheaters who have been cheating for months. Lots of people reporting them. They will probably still be using the same account this time next year.
  15. Expecting AI in a game to be capable of actually competing against players is absurd. That's not the point, and no dev with even a single functional brain cell would actually waste time trying to make it so (because it's literally impossible). It's why games have their AI use pseudo or full on cheats, because it's the only way to make AI work. Look at something like the infamous Mario Kart 64 for a prime example of this in action. Every game at least tries to hide it, to varying levels of success. MK64 was... very bad at hiding it. In the context of APB, bots simply need to be capable of doing the objectives, path in from whatever angles are available, and make a loose attempt at sticking together. The only complicated bit is making them dynamically adjust their strength to account for the players they're fighting. If the bot is losing fights, it would have to react faster to the player (whether the player passes its sight cone, or it starts taking fire from the player) and fire upon them more accurately once it has reacted, until it's actually trading kills with the player. The system would also need to keep records of individual player accounts, so that the bots would automatically know at the start of a mission how strong they need to be (could use existing threat levels as a baseline). Or LO could just take the easy path, and just set up a fixed set of difficulty levels. Logically, there would be four, one for each threat level. Then the player would simply choose what difficulty level to queue against, based on what level of play they feel comfortable playing at. Could even put in bonuses to mission rewards (APB$/standing) for attempting the higher difficulties.
  16. I would like to see a cosmetic like a cat's tail -------- Updated with more ideas New Cat Ears Other Stuff New Hair New Clothes shoes Collars Cat Paws Gauged Ears Circular Glasses Maybe new Glow clothes too Just an idea for glow New Hats New Back Packs Body Pijamas Plague Doctor Mask -- Maybe for Halloween Minor update to add more ideas 7/16/2023 RoseTheGoat suggested more articles for the Furry Community, taking that into account, I've added new ideas for masks. @RoseTheGoat Cat Mask Dog or Wolf mask Deer - Herby - Goat Thanks to the people who voted for my ideas
  17. My account was blocked after 11 years because I had a stencil on my computer to make the pictures transparent, which makes it easier to create symbols and cars. My friend from the clan, the account has been blocked since this, because during the game he had telegram web running, and he got a call there from work. Technical support refuses to help in this matter and just shrugs. EAC support ignores any requests. More than a month has passed since the day of my blocking.
  18. Hello everyone! I want to briefly inform you about a decision regarding the loss of knowledge some of you have encountered recently: If you have experienced a loss of knowledge on your character, please send in a support ticket with account details and the knowledge you have lost. We will look into your case and see to resolve the issue to the best of our abilities. Kind regards, Ritual
  19. Dude, they'll never do that. Empty promises. LO is as useless as a dead dog. Here RTW accounts are banned for nothing for Telegram web and various stencils, and real violators freely continue to play and interfere with other players.
  20. Oh, it's terrible, I also faced a similar situation when my RTW account was banned for telegram web. Unfortunately gamefirst refuses to help in this matter and EAC support ignores any requests. The chances of unlocking are 0 %
  21. Do you know the meaning of false ban? So some dude claims they were falsely banned and later open up they were actually cheating? That’s not a false ban… you base your judgement on a few friends who were legit and never been banned meaning no legit gets banned by FF? This is your conclusion??? You were never a victim of a false banned you wouldn’t know, unless it happens to you. either way the players who were unbanned cheating or not don’t even play anymore so idk what’s your concern if they unbanned everyone previously most of the players had 2nd accounts.
  22. Personally i thought G1 did a very good job against cheaters and griefers. I remember them coming onto the servers and kicking dethreaters who were farming bronze players and issuing bans. LO came in and offered an olive branch to the cheaters, gave the accounts back. But they never really addressed the issues in the game. Every move since then was cutting their nose of despite their face. They listened to the wrong people. I still hold out hope. Matchmaking can be fixed, but they need to grow a pair and do the necessary which will upset the "so called Golds"
  23. Is that you on two accounts or something? .. Ok if you can't give a reasonable explanation to the quite contradicting statements you both make that's fine. Of course the current server needs to be restricted still, you could even hire a gm with the money you will be making with the new server.
  24. this is crazy idea but this is stuff of history making ..... think before dismissing or white-knighting and even if you shut it down later the publicity and learning will be historical even in apb history you have the only game that can do this you have the only game that is ready for this: add one server, this server publicly unrestricted unrestricted chat unrestricted grief unrestricted cheat unrestricted icons unrestricted clothing unrestricted voip unrestricted market unrestricted all Premium only but unrestricted server (no free rides but no rerolls needed either). Fresh server all at start, no account transfer (keep what you have now 100% separate and available) this will grow be the biggest mess on the internet in no time this will be so big this server alone will cover your development costs the only thing you will do is update the code / game to completely-insane server-breaking goat-like hacks that make it impossible for anyone to do anything, nobody needs that but people will find ways if unleashed let it run for as long as it can, APB will make history once more you will be known everywhere and even if it has to be shut down in the future the publicity, profit, experience, fun, all will be priceless and we all will still have what we have now i know it's insane, but this is who we are.. use it and unleash it on the internet. this will be (temporary) bigger than 2.0 and will pay for 2.0 this will grow so fast nothing in gaming history was able to do this, apb, you and this community are the only ones who can make this happen there will be nothing else like it for a long time and it will make you the most until you have 2.0 ready, this will pay for everything, including new ceo cars
  25. I just got Ban permanently for no reason they just did it out of no way and given no reason why I got ban all I know I'm not type of a person who would ever cheat. I need you please PLEASE Investigate my account and thank you. Although I did tried to go onto my other account it also got ban as well I knew APB Community does not like me I just only enjoy gaming play this game for 8 years never I my life get ban permanently
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