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  1. No fun allowed. Enjoy having no counter play when someone decides to run in the final segment. And if your response is "better designed missions" you missed that window by 10+ years. I don't care how jank it looks, I enjoyed nuking babies with a DMR that think they're safe in their sports cars. You can hardly do anything fun in game anymore since its been neutered to hell and back. We can't even launch ourselves onto roof tops any more outside of missions because they implemented the out of bounds function.
  2. How about posting on your main account instead of an alt.
  3. How many years we've had this style of event now? And how come we still haven't been able to fix the exploits where people get themselves out of bounds inside buildings and whatnot?
  4. Its called working the croud, say something nice at the start, to get everybody on your side, then hit them with facts. He is also not wrong though and i understand his frustration. We had a nice few days after the last bannings. All those re-rolls, i have seen go from level 1 to level 255 in the last few weeks. They are not hiding the fact that they are cheating. They are absolutly milking the servers. They are not closets, they are full on cheating. I am in a clan with 3 cheaters that i know of. There are multiple streamers who have been cheating the last 6 months. You can literally see them cheating on youtube / twitch. I have teamed with them and dont get a look in because they can see were the enemy are coming and hog all the kills. I have reported at least 20 level 200+ blatant cheaters. That i have teamed with. Right now it pays to be a cheater then to play normally. They seem to be having a lot more fun. They are leveling up quickly and in the space of a few weeks, have all the best weapons. If they get banned, they just start again on pre-made accounts that they have already transferred weapons to. Then start again, you get another year.
  5. Did you get banned and had to create another account? I won't say there aren't cheaters. There's some on Twitch that LO intentionally ignore, like the one who used to be named after a zombie survival game, or the one who's in game name is a spin off of Mr Beast's video intro. But, big but, the way threat is calculated causes players with a massive skill gap to be matched together frequently. Low to high gold is like brand new player to expert veteran. Mid bronze to mid silver is completely random. It comes down to what score bonuses the mission applies rather than skill. Green is harder to get than bronze, due to the anti dethreat mechanic that prevents threat from changing if your score is too low. There's also a massive difference in network performance between players, which can make some look like they're cheating. Some have perfect hitreg despite having 300ms living in Australia, while others with less than 20ms get no hitreg because their packets are being dropped somewhere inside LO's network. Generally I can 2 pump shotguns on EU with 90-300ms varying latency, but on US East it takes 3+ shots. On US West I'm better off trying to throw my car at them.
  6. i think apb did ammo better too, in gta you have to constantly go around to either a gun store or the menus to buy ammo, but in apb you just... walk up to a kiosk and you get ammo and health too. here you have clotting agent, which i guess is kind of level locked, but health in gta is such a joke. the higher your level, the more health you have, up until like level 200 or so so playing gta as a lowlevel is nearly impossible, while in apb you could make a whole new account and become gold in your first missions from top fragging i'd much rather have dedicated machines for spawning vehicles instead of a mechanic that SOMETIMES delivers your car next to you, anyway
  7. Its weird that what i was hoping thats they were going to do in the new GTA. But i am on the fence about getting it to be honest. After all the horror stories about people being hacked through it. Losing their accounts. hackers dont even have to be logged into the game to kick somebody from the server its so poorly run. I suppose APB does actually have better protection from cheaters then GTA/RDO
  8. Players were banned for no reason, they have to return the accounts banned by the EAC, and then install a powerful anti-cheat, this EAC is horrible.
  9. Hello @Darleena, I'm a veteran player since around 2011-2012. Idk him as a person, but if it's a false positive like in 2016 for fairfight, I believe it will be very difficult to reverse, just like it was in 2016. I know how painful it is to have your account banned after years of playing, to see a disunited community that does nothing to help each other. I gave up on this game a while ago and this community with limited thoughts, but I wish you good luck.
  10. Hello, After years of not playing i recently tried to play again. My account (2 characters) have been switched to another server. When i log in i'm on the (jericho NA) server. xxpuma2xx That used to be the same as my playmate : xxpuma1xx Citadel EU The screenshots are dated 2012. The screenshots i provided both coming from my own steam & the person i played with. Could you please swap me back to Citadel EU here is the url of the pictures: https://app.gemoo.com/share/image-annotation/572277641518653440?codeId=vz8K1d1WrZB35&origin=imageurlgenerator
  11. UPDATE REGARDING THE EVENT REWARDS !! Based on the recent contributions from the "not so loaded" clan, we've opted to exchange the legendary weapon rewards for the 2nd and 3rd place winners. Here are the current rewards for the winners: ✩1ST - 6 mil + Ursus + New Glory✩ ✩2ND - 4 mil + Nano + Thumper Condor✩ ✩3RD - 2 mil + True Ogre Cap40✩ Thumper, True Ogr, and a Nano will be presented as prizes in a giveaway during the upcoming event/stream. Please ensure you have a Twitch account and are actively engaging in the chat to qualify for participation. Thank you very much
  12. My account was blocked due to the use of an unapproved third-party tool, what was that? I played with more than one account on the same computer, and one was blocked for this reason, I didn't understand the logic, I don't use programs to 'make it easier', I've been playing APB for over 8 years, until when will I be ignored in this game by support.
  13. So I did post a support ticket. But in the off chance this may help get help faster I'll give it a whirl here as well. Haven't Played in a good long while. Tried to log in and it tells me they reset the password. Problem is I no longer have access to that old email. So I need my old account transferred over to a new email so I can reset the password and play on my old account.
  14. That comment was in reference to the possibility of a security breach within my company. I'm sure you can sue over your account being compromised, but there would need to be extensive evidence. I doubt the payout would be much more than the items on your account, so not worth the time invested suing. If there were enough people reporting the incontinent, say 1000+, maybe it would be worth it, but only if each user could get compensated for their account's total playtime. Even then, the end user gets practically nothing. Most of the payout would go to the lawyers and investors, and LO will go under, defeating the purpose of getting your account and items back.
  15. LOL Listen, I'm sorry you failed to understand the comedic aspect of my post, but this is even funnier. You ARE convinced that I planned on Little Orbit unbanning everyone YEARS later. LMFAO Any lawyer would look at this situation and laugh/tell you to go spend your money elsewhere. Edit: @MACKxBOLAN I know where you are coming from, but you know contracts are constantly challenged for various reasons. Ultimately, my credit card company gave me my money back. because they probably did not receive any response from G1 at the time. I honestly couldn't care less about what happens to this account, but the other d00d doesn't quite understand the concept.
  16. Well its more words before dropping the hammer and cutting it out with a zero tolerance approach. The big issue as to what happened with cheating was it became "the norm" to cheat in the game. Nobody was talking about it because you were not allowed talk about it. It seemed hackusating became a bigger crime then the cheating itself. Also because it became "the norm" to cheat, the people who have been banned, instead of holding their hands up and saying "you got me" Are feeling entitled and trying to fight it. I started a thread about eyeballing cheaters, since its done in professional sports so why not in a old computer game?? I was attacked for this suggestion. Imagine being personally attacked for asking to ban cheaters that are obviosly cheating. This is because cheaters started to outnumber normal players, it created a little economy outside of the game in which players were selling their "undetected macros" Creating new cheaters. Cheaters are now allowed to operate out in the open with the only repercussion being a hackusation. (and recent bannings) There were no alerts that players are being banned. The only way we know that players are being banned are the posts from the cheaters crying about it. There absolutly no feedback to its normal customers about bannings or any recognition about what has been going on. New players come on and get stomped, somebody tells them that they need cheats and point them in the right direction and tell them that LO doesnt ban players simply because it all gets swept under the carpet. So it looks like there are no bannings at all. Also if you are banned for cheating, you dont deserve a reason why. But existing players who play the game properly do disserve some sort of feedback so they know that something is being done. It does alleviate some of the stress knowing that a player will lose his account soon after he cheats his way through games over and over again for months and months at a time.
  17. Well as far as the incident being to far away from report date Im a daily player and I reported the next day when I logged in. I knew something was wrong right off the go because I got the TOS crap and was like hell no someone else logged into my account on a diffenent PC and IP. Then as soon as the intro was done and old character I hadnt played on in years was selected not Misty my daily. I reported imediately. Someone else made a coment about not using the authentication thing. I tried it at one time but was having trouble with constantly waiting on the authentication being bugged and not being able to log in most of the time it would keep saying wrong code even though it wasnt and then lock me out for so long so I disabled it.
  18. One of my old group members had something happen with their account. I don't know if it was accessed by another person or if the server merge missed a ton of items. Most of their vehicles were missing. Another friend didn't sign in for 6 months or so. I saw them online but it wasn't them. The user on that account replied in Portuguese and was grouped with Brazilian players. Confirmed it wasn't them. In both cases, the incident and time reported were too far apart. No logs were available. Useless system if it can't hold login details for at least a year. At work we hold authentication logs for at least 5 years, depending on the data being accessed. Storage is cheaper than losing a lawsuit
  19. Just do what I did. Step 1: Make people ragequit Step 2: Log on the next day and get 10008'd Step 3: Email support about it Step 4: Acknowledge that support will not help you Step 5: Perform a chargeback on every possible transactions you can Step 6: Remain banned Step 7: Wait 8 years for the game to be picked up by a new publisher/dev studio Step 8: Enjoy your account with all the items you had previously purchased
  20. Good luck on that. Even after proving an account i lost i was mine they threthen to ban me for trying to steal it. Oh and support: i got that account back becuase i got access to it's passcode. Up yours you useless bunch of coconut crabs Only thing you can really do now is bite it and change your password.
  21. Yes I would really like to know how I got hacked. Sure as hell wasnt my PC because they would have stolen money from my bank not weapons from my dead game account.
  22. I submitted a ticket because someone hacked my account that is 10 years old with well over $1,000 spent. They stold over 30+ legendaries and countless mods themes and symbols when I submit ticket their only response was a barage of questions to prove the account is mine. All questions answered no matter how irrelevent they actually are in proving anything and they take the day off and then send me more ridiculous questions. The e-mail is in my real name all credit cards bank accounts and paypal accounts for 10 years my real name they were given a copy of my actual drivers lisence proving my identity. They are putting me on trial to prove acount is mine instead of handling the problem days later. Now they will no longer even respond to my ticket and it has been several days. Not only do they support hacks and cheaters but they also support and defend theives. This game has gone to total shit and it should just be shut down. You buy a game from a company and make promises to revive it and do absolutly nothing but run it into further into the ground and claim you have no funds to run the game. So why did you take it over? Hiring or taking volunteers that cant do their job is no help to the community. May as well have no support at all. So little Orbit I hope like hell you are not paying these guys LOL Further more if the account wasnt mine why the hell would I submit a ticket saying someone stole my stuff from it. That makes absolutly no since at all. I prooved for a fact the account is mine and no support or response since.
  23. J.B.

    Error Code 10004

    I think the Game is crashed. I can´t log in, either with the stucked account, nor my alt. account. Can someone confirm and can this get fixed? or is the game been taken down?
  24. EAC doesn't care either way cause all the advanced launcher does is modify .ini files, its not a program that's running as you play the game, it serves the same functionality as changing your ingame settings through the regular options, you simply have more control. Not to mention that EAC has the ability to block config edits, they've already shown this by blocking shaders as well as upk edits (upk edits have been used to remove particles entirely) this is manually set up and basically tells you that if they wanted to block .ini edits they can absolutely do so rather than just making it so it flat out bans you for something they themselves said is an approved way of editing your graphic settings. EAC checks for injections into the game client, things such as overlays and patterns such as simulated inputs (Macros/Triggerbots), it doesn't give a crap about whether or not a line in an .ini file says 16 instead of 128. In other words, you are clueless if you think the cause of these bans is due to configs considering if they didn't want configs to be a thing anymore they have all the tools in the world to stop players from using them rather than flat out banning the accounts.
  25. manual bans(they might have to 'clear' the ban list i.e. hit the ban button for accounts that reach the flag threshold) for cheating don't really happen. I'm sure LO might look at evidence(video/clips) if someone has already been flagged by the anti-cheat but for the most part both LO and G1 don't/didn't resort to manual bans for cheating unless your name was known.
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