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Posts posted by slerk

  1. I can't understand why? This game is on life support. The promise of reviving this poor thing is long gone. The only ones that are playing can't let nostalgia die. Look at the stats, 20 people a day are on. The new devs should make this into a single player game and end its suffering. Hell, APB is in the old folks home, slurping on jello.

  2. 15 hours ago, fizzlepop said:

    I like that idea of cargo pants.  It would be nice to have clothing and/or other gear with special bonuses (like you have for weapons).  Perhaps some day?  But as a low level character, I've never seen such things. 

    All clothing have special bonuses. all provide some protection to Slashing, Piercing, Crushing, Fire, Cold, Electricity, Poison, Acid, Radiation or protection from mutation powers. There are some that provide buffs and de buffs to your stats. Nothing needs to be added of changed.

  3. 23 hours ago, Angelical said:

    I can not login It just keeps going straight to retry and keeps retrying...

    Glad to see you know to come to the forums to start a needless thread instead of waiting and trying again later.

  4. 11 hours ago, DwightPfeiffer said:

    PVP is only a small part of why the game failed. They did a bunch of very stupid things that pissed people off and they showed time and again how little they cared about the players. The lying didn't help matters either. Fallen Earth had such massive potential but a combination of incompetence and apathy destroyed it. Stuff would fail and they wouldn't fix it, like vehicle weapons. The special events, like for holidays, were usually crap. How many times did we start fighting the Grunch only to have him disappear in the middle of the fight ? That is only one example.

    So you have a problem given people a choice to PVE and or PVP? The PVE is what brought me to the game.

  5. On 2/27/2021 at 12:39 PM, cowhorseman said:

    id go for it but you wipe my chars i'm fucking done here. i spent to much time making to much progress to waste it on a fancy comeback with nothing


    also to the fact other MMOs are basically point n click adventure games that put me to sleep by spamming my num pad in overly easy fights that you gotta grind for 1 item 


    Your character is going to be wiped with the reboot anyway.

  6. I understand that the removal of the clan vaults was some time ago and I would come back to play but what killed the game for me is when they removed the clan vaults. It might not seem like much but the fact is I had a lot of stuff I bought off the Marketplace(real money stuff) that is now gone. They should think before acting.

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