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Posts posted by proxie

  1. On 4/11/2024 at 10:07 AM, Yapopal said:

    Ukrainians and Russians hang out in our Clan and Discord channel. I am from Russia, I live near the border with Ukraine. My city is sometimes hit by Himars shells. My friends live in Ukraine, Russian missiles fly to them. And guess what? We do not care. We just play APB and communicate on Diiscord. We are waiting for the old idiots and jesters to strangle each other with their dicks.

    with all due respekk we need a statement from LO not someone who is on the draft list waiting to get minted by an ntec IRL

    • Like 1

  2. On 2/11/2024 at 3:23 PM, MACKxBOLAN said:

    How would U know, U don't play. n I was being useful I was guarding a corner of a hallway, one of two entrances to the hallway

     where the box was in a room. I was doing my job for my team.

    There were no doors to kick in that spot n i wasn't going to leave my post to find one.

    Even if I don't kill the enemy my team will hear my or the enemy gunfire as i go down, and respond.

    I was doing my job. 

    I see you still think your job is head forum troll, never play but talk out your behind 

    Quack quack! Ah, I see the feathers have been ruffled once again. While I may not partake in your human games, I do understand the concept of teamwork and the importance of fulfilling one's duties. Guarding a hallway entrance sounds like a noble endeavor indeed, and I commend you for your dedication to your team.

    However, it seems you've mistaken my lack of participation in your virtual escapades for ignorance. Just because I don't partake in your digital skirmishes doesn't mean I can't offer valuable insight from the sidelines. After all, observing from afar has its advantages - like a duck perched upon a pond, watching the world unfold with a keen eye.

    As for your accusations of me being a "forum troll," I'll have you know that us ducks prefer to waddle peacefully through the waters of discourse, offering our wisdom where it's needed. But if you insist on flinging insults like breadcrumbs in a feeding frenzy, then perhaps it's you who should take a moment to reflect on your own conduct.

    Quack on, my friend, and may your hallway be forever free of digital adversaries.

  3. Quack quack! Oh dear, it sounds like you've had quite the encounter with those pesky humans and their shenanigans. It's a shame that some folks can't appreciate the serene tranquility of a duck's life without resorting to such juvenile behavior. But fear not, my friend, for as ducks, we paddle through life's waters with resilience and grace.

    Indeed, it seems these "smurfs" and their adolescent antics are as ubiquitous as breadcrumbs in a pond. But fret not, for we ducks have our own ways of dealing with such nonsense. Blocking and ignoring them is certainly one option, but may I suggest a more... expressive approach? Next time they come quacking around with their insults and antics, why not unleash the mighty "Insult Quack" emote and give them a good ol' T-bagging? Sometimes, a swift quack and a well-timed waddle can speak volumes louder than words.

    Remember, my friend, we ducks are masters of resilience and adaptability. Let not the quacks of the world ruffle your feathers. Quack on, and may your pond be forever tranquil.

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  4. In the vast digital landscape of the internet, forums serve as virtual gathering places where individuals from diverse backgrounds converge to discuss a myriad of topics. These platforms, much like the diverse societies they mirror, necessitate a system of governance to maintain order and foster healthy dialogue. The role of moderators in these forums is akin to that of shepherds guiding a flock, ensuring that the collective experience is both enriching and fair. Drawing parallels to biblical scripture, where leaders were entrusted with the responsibility to shepherd their communities, we find timeless wisdom that can be applied to the online realm.

    One cannot ignore the importance of impartial moderation in maintaining the integrity of these digital spaces. Just as a righteous leader adheres to principles of justice and equality, so too must moderators ensure that the rules are applied consistently to all forum participants. This echoes the biblical principle of treating others as you would like to be treated, encapsulated in the Golden Rule. When moderators exhibit impartiality, they create an environment where users feel heard, respected, and valued, fostering a sense of community that transcends the digital divide.

    The biblical allegory of the Good Samaritan teaches us the importance of compassion and fairness. Moderators, acting as digital Samaritans, must be impartial in their judgment, extending a helping hand to all participants without bias. The forum, in turn, becomes a virtual haven where users can engage in meaningful discussions, free from the shackles of favoritism or corruption.

    Equality before the law is a fundamental principle that underpins many legal systems, and it should be no different in the online forum ecosystem. Just as the scales of justice are meant to be balanced, so too should moderators strive to administer their duties with an even hand. The online community flourishes when everyone is subject to the same rules and standards, fostering an environment where diverse opinions can coexist harmoniously.

    Drawing a parallel to the concept of sin in biblical teachings, corruption among moderators can be likened to a stain that tarnishes the purity of the forum. It is essential to remember that power, when wielded irresponsibly, can lead to corruption. The biblical admonition against the love of money resonates in the digital realm, where the desire for influence or personal gain should never compromise the sacred duty of ensuring fair and just governance.

    Addressing the issue of disruptive individuals, it is imperative to recognize the importance of protecting the forum community from those who may exhibit harmful behaviors. The term "schizo psychopaths" may be too broad and stigmatizing, but it is crucial to identify and address individuals who disrupt the peace and safety of the forum. Much like the biblical principle of separating the wheat from the chaff, moderators must take measures to remove those who pose a genuine threat to the well-being of the community.

    In conclusion, the importance of impartial and just moderation in internet forums cannot be overstated. Drawing inspiration from biblical teachings, we find timeless principles that guide us towards creating online spaces that reflect the values of fairness, equality, and compassion. Moderators, as digital shepherds, must uphold these principles to ensure the flourishing of diverse communities in the vast digital expanse we call the internet.

    Continuing on this journey of understanding the significance of unbiased moderation, let us delve deeper into the concept of accountability and the responsibility moderators bear in upholding the values of the online community.

    The biblical notion of accountability is mirrored in the concept of "reaping what you sow." Moderators, as stewards of the digital landscape, must recognize the profound impact their decisions can have on the forum's atmosphere. Just as biblical figures faced consequences for their actions, moderators must be mindful that their choices ripple through the community, shaping its culture and dynamics.

    Expanding upon the idea of accountability, it's crucial to emphasize the need for transparency in moderation practices. The biblical metaphor of "bringing deeds into the light" encourages openness and honesty. Transparent moderation not only builds trust but also allows the community to understand the reasoning behind decisions, fostering an atmosphere of accountability and fairness.

    Analogous to the parable of the prodigal son, forums may encounter instances where users deviate from the established rules. Moderators, embodying the role of forgiving overseers, should be equipped with the discernment to distinguish between genuine mistakes and intentional misconduct. A culture of forgiveness and guidance can transform the forum into a space where users are not only corrected but also encouraged to learn and grow from their experiences.

    Furthermore, the concept of community in biblical teachings emphasizes mutual support and collaboration. Moderators must be facilitators of this sense of community, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to express their thoughts and engage in meaningful discussions. In doing so, they contribute to the creation of a digital forum that mirrors the inclusivity and camaraderie advocated in various religious teachings.

    Now, let us explore the delicate balance between freedom of expression and the necessity for moderation. The biblical principle of using words wisely and avoiding harmful speech serves as a poignant reminder that while free expression is essential, it should not infringe upon the rights and well-being of others. Moderators, acting as custodians of discourse, must navigate this balance skillfully to maintain a forum where diverse opinions can coexist without causing harm.

    In conclusion, the role of moderators in internet forums is a multifaceted one, weaving together principles from biblical teachings and contemporary governance. Upholding fairness, transparency, accountability, and a sense of community, moderators become the guardians of the digital realm, ensuring that it flourishes as a space where ideas can be shared, debated, and celebrated without succumbing to the pitfalls of corruption or favoritism. Just as biblical wisdom has guided societies for centuries, it continues to provide valuable insights for the responsible stewardship of online communities in our interconnected world.

    As we navigate the complexities of digital stewardship, it becomes apparent that the challenges faced by moderators extend beyond the realm of biblical comparisons. They must also grapple with the evolving landscape of technology, the ever-shifting dynamics of online interactions, and the need for adaptability in the face of emerging issues.

    In the digital age, where information spreads like wildfire, moderators find themselves at the forefront of combating misinformation and ensuring that the forum remains a trustworthy source of knowledge. This responsibility echoes the biblical emphasis on truth and the consequences of bearing false witness. Just as dishonesty can erode the moral fabric of a community, the spread of misinformation can jeopardize the integrity of an online forum.

    Moreover, the concept of inclusivity must be explored in the context of diverse perspectives and experiences. The biblical principle of embracing the stranger or foreigner resonates with the need for moderators to foster an environment where all voices, regardless of background or viewpoint, are welcomed and heard. By actively promoting diversity and inclusion, moderators contribute to the richness of discussions and the broadening of collective understanding.

    In our discussion of moderation, we must also address the fine line between censorship and maintaining a safe space. While respecting the freedom of expression, moderators must intervene when discussions devolve into hate speech, harassment, or other forms of harmful behavior. This delicate balance aligns with the biblical teaching of exercising discernment and avoiding that which can lead to harm or discord within a community.

    The concept of a "virtuous circle" can be applied to the moderation process. When moderators uphold fairness and consistency, users are more likely to feel secure in expressing their opinions, leading to a positive and constructive atmosphere. This, in turn, attracts more diverse participants, enriching the overall experience for everyone involved. In contrast, a lack of moderation or the perception of favoritism can create a negative feedback loop, driving away valuable contributors and stifling the potential for meaningful discussions.

    As we contemplate the future of online forums, it's essential to acknowledge the ever-present need for continuous improvement. Moderators must stay informed about emerging trends, technologies, and societal shifts that may impact the dynamics of online communities. The biblical metaphor of "building on a solid foundation" reminds us that forums with robust and adaptable moderation practices are better equipped to weather the storms of evolving digital landscapes.

    In conclusion, the role of moderators in internet forums is a nuanced and dynamic undertaking that involves drawing from the wisdom of both ancient teachings and contemporary insights. As digital stewards, moderators stand at the crossroads of tradition and innovation, balancing the principles of fairness, transparency, accountability, and inclusivity to cultivate flourishing online communities. Through their vigilant efforts, moderators contribute to the creation of digital spaces where the collective pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and connection can thrive in harmony with the values that have guided societies for centuries.


    In the grand tapestry of the internet, forums stand as vibrant digital communities, reflecting the diverse voices and perspectives of our interconnected world. Moderators, as the guardians of these virtual realms, play a pivotal role in shaping the character and dynamics of these spaces. Drawing inspiration from biblical teachings and contemporary insights, they navigate the delicate balance between freedom of expression and the imperative to maintain a safe and inclusive environment.

    Just as biblical principles guide societies toward justice, fairness, and accountability, moderators must uphold these values in the digital sphere. The duty to treat all forum participants equally, to ensure transparency in decision-making, and to foster a sense of community echoes the timeless wisdom found in religious teachings.

    As we explore the multifaceted responsibilities of moderators, it becomes evident that their role extends beyond mere enforcement of rules. They are the stewards of truth in an age of information, the champions of inclusivity in a world of diverse perspectives, and the architects of a positive and constructive digital atmosphere.

    In the ongoing journey of online forum moderation, the metaphorical compass is guided by the principles of fairness, transparency, accountability, inclusivity, and adaptability. The virtuous cycle they create, built on these foundational pillars, ensures that forums flourish as spaces where knowledge is shared, ideas are debated, and connections are formed.

    Ultimately, as we look ahead to the future of online communities, the importance of moderators cannot be overstated. Their commitment to these guiding principles ensures that forums evolve as havens for meaningful discourse, vibrant exchange, and the celebration of the diversity that makes our digital tapestry rich and vibrant. May the lessons from both ancient scriptures and contemporary wisdom continue to inspire and guide the moderators who navigate the ever-expanding landscapes of our digital societies.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Returning to Threat Districts like I been saying for years, but NO. LO seems to enjoy the butchery of casual and 

    new players. Leading to not Brain Damage per say', But deep emotional pain and grief. 

     Some aren't smart thru this Trickle Dumb Down idea you have, but simply don't GAF and are in game 

    just to clown. God will Judge those who cheat

    nah it for sure seems to have lead to some brain damage

    • Like 1

  6. Hello,

    I appreciate your message regarding the recent bans in the game. It's essential to address these concerns with a focus on the principles of fair play and transparency.


    First and foremost, it's important to clarify that, as with any online game, the developers and the LO team are not obligated to provide individual attention or statements to banned players. This principle applies to all players, including those with a history of cheating. Just as any other banned cheater is not entitled to personal communication or special consideration, the same standard applies here.


    Cheating in online games fundamentally undermines the integrity of the gaming experience for everyone involved. Therefore, it's crucial to view the issue through this lens and recognize that those who have engaged in cheating activities have, in the past, disrupted the gameplay experience for others. Moreover, it's important to consider the consequences of association with cheaters. Engaging with cheaters or individuals who associate with cheaters can cast doubt on the legitimacy of any complaints or concerns regarding bans. The gaming community values fair competition, and actions surrounding cheating can significantly impact one's standing in the community.


    When assessing the validity of claims, it's important to consider the context of past bans. Actions have consequences, and those who have previously violated the rules of fair play naturally face skepticism when raising concerns about bans. The gaming community relies on anti-cheat systems to maintain a level playing field, and the history of a player can be a significant factor in assessing the legitimacy of their claims.


    Lastly, it's worth noting that the anti-cheat system, in this case, EAC, is known for its reliability in targeting actual cheaters while minimizing false positives. EAC operates with caution, focusing solely on cheating-related activities and aiming to ensure fairness in the game. This reputation for accuracy should be considered when evaluating the legitimacy of ban-related concerns.


    In conclusion, the principles of fairness and integrity are paramount in the gaming community. Banned players, especially those associated with cheating, are not entitled to special treatment or personal communication from developers. It's crucial to maintain a fair and respectful gaming environment for all players, and actions related to cheating should be viewed in that context.


    Thank you for bringing up this matter, and I hope that it helps to clarify the situation.


    Best regards,

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 2

  7. 13 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    what information are U talking about, all anyone could say on this is 

    speculation, We have no information other than the original gm post.

    Anything further is Speculation. So people were speculating. 

    Unless U Work with them on the inside and have some Secret info you won't share with 

    Us, everyone on this thread is speculating what they think it might be.

    Maybe they are right, maybe its coming.

     Im sure they will lay it out for us.

    You were wrong btw 🙂 

  8. 41 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    sure your right, I'm just saying that an update to eac specifically should only take a minute or so more than the normal maintenance scan/patch

     they are talking about lengthy downtime like 6-8 hrs+, So I think its something other than eac.

    Possibly included with other things.  The last time we were down that long it was a server being moved.

     He hasn't said how long but it looks like he is leaning toward a longer time than we used to.

    So I don't want everyone to get all exited n then be disappointed when its not eac.

     Amazing how popular my comments are,  just bite n growl at everyone,

    Nit-picking n Foot-pecking like a bunch of Hens  🐔

    The last time we had a extended 6+ hour maintenance we got a green st patricks hat. Your logic is not sound my g.

    Dont get surpriced when you get push back for pushing the most ignorant and blatantly false information possible. If you have no knowledge about something (in this case everything) its usually best to not post. 

    Not a good look.

  9. Thank you for your suggestion to improve APB Reloaded.

    While i appreciate your enthusiasm and willingness to help, i must admit these suggestions are not helpful for the future of the game. I believe that implementing these changes would have a negative impact on the game. The proposed blacklist system would be difficult to manage and could lead to players being unfairly blacklisted. Additionally, the proposed changes to the wanted system would be too complex and could lead to confusion among players. Furthermore, assigning danger levels to districts could lead to an imbalance in the game and create an unfair advantage for some players.


    I understand that these changes may seem beneficial, but I believe that they would ultimately have a negative impact on the game. I appreciate your input and thank you for taking the time to share your ideas.

  10. 1 hour ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    we already have the eac program all they have to do is turn it on, so its not that.

    I smell a Merge. probly gonna lose NA n have to go play with the russians. 

     So 300 ms to play, cram us all into one place n tell us to be nice.



    I cant believe that they just didnt change this variable already!

    EAC_enabled == true

    also your sense of smell seems to be off

  11. 2 minutes ago, Frosi said:

    That's not how modifiers work, it's one value that plays into a bunch of other values, for example Base Accuracy x Marksman Modifier x Jump Accuracy. Here's a comparison image I managed to grab from before the patch went live, as well as a video made by Secrets to show off the difference. These are all done with a stock STAR and the change would be even more apparent if the STAR was equipped with Hunting Sight 3 as that makes the Marksman modifier much better.








  12. 46 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    Except it isn't, as anyone who has tested both the STAR and LCR ingame (as I have, both before and after the patch) can tell you. Their jump accuracy remains unchanged, and on top of that, this is beyond easy to tell because both have different accuracy while jumping (LCR is more accurate, as expected). According to the patch notes, both should have the same accuracy, and the STAR especially should be a third tighter than it currently is.


    If you're going to try and hit me with a "gotcha", you might want to make sure you have anything to stand on. Sit the fuck down.

    But you are wrong :- /


    mans out here bloggin without knowing his facts, not a good look man :- | 

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