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Posts posted by Creedh

  1. It was a while ago, and i was against a full clan of gold, and my team was full bronze with a level under 50. I was the only silver and i was just level 100 back then.



    They were atleast level 90.


    It was long, they didn't knew how to play the game wich was normal, but THEY knew how to play. and i was left here, leading an army of new players.

    I ended protecting an AFK vip.


    Great times.

  2. Just now, Excalibur! said:

    You cant really ask which is best car when adding more categories apart cars... and everyone knows that vehicles in apb are as situational as weapons.

    This is the third thread i see you failing discussing on the same issue with same mistakes  ;/

    If i wanted to put the han veo on the second tread, it would have been into the 4-doors and would have lost against the coywolf or the

    Sungnyemun Moirai. It would have never made its way into the final one

  3. 37 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi guys,


    Spoiler: I am going to get rid of Fight Club and Open Conflict.

    Besides the awkward FPS problems, I don't feel either of these are fulfilling their role in the game at all.

    We're 100% focused on cleaning up the lag and server performance right now.


    But as soon as that's done, and the game is playing smoother, then I'll announce the new mode that will be replacing them.



    Is it going to be ROYALE ?


    i hope not

  4. I'm pretty sure some of you are tired of theses polls, but i had to make 4 beacause there's a limit in polls.



    Allright, this is the last and final poll, to see wich is the best car in APB. Now, i've took the best cars from the 3 polls, even if there's a calabria and a pioneer in the same poll. I know it's unfair, but not putting them would be stupid.


    I would like to say thanks to everyone who voted and participated in theses polls, and i'm sorry for the few mistakes i've made trough theses many polls. 



    Please read 

    - I've put the IO Growl, Bishada Rapier and Patriot Jericho beacause they were realy close to eachother.

    - The Patriot Vegas is obviously the 4x4, wich i didn't precise in the old poll. I'm sorry for that.

    - I've also put the Benz Mhuller M1 beacause alot of people seemed to like it alot, and from 2 votes away with the Kolva, why not. same deal for the Balkan Varzuga

    - You can vote for more than one, i'm trying to balance the "unfairness"

    - If your favorite car isn't here, it's beacause it didn't won in the last polls. I took the results from the 29/06/2018. It's possible that it changes with time.


    - If you still want to vote in the last polls, you can do it here





    And i would like to finish this by saying thank you to everyone that voted and commented. Even the ones who got mad for no reasons, i realy apreciate it. 

    except for the ones who get realy mad for this lmao 




    I won't be bothering you anymore with all of theses votes anymore ^^

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