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Posts posted by Miffed117

  1. I was wondering about this exact thing last night, i was going to propose the question to the staff but it seems someone got to it before me, Kudos to you.


    Before going through this thread i felt like i really wanted to bring back volunteer programs BUT now i'm a little less sure of it. In essence i think it would still be cool for something like the SPCM, if only to just legitimise what you say is in the support of other players that need help. You don't need a fancy title to help others and i don't think you should aspire to be in the SPCM if that's your reason, However, the title is what makes the position a legitimate role to the community, Players would look for the <SPCM> chat prefix and only associate that with people giving helpful advice. I have been sat in social(95% of my time) and a new player ask's 'Where can i change outfits?' and the fastest reply is '/exit' or 'alt+F4 lol', i mean sure this is an all time internet joke but you would of thought that people would, after giving the joke, some actual help which very little happens. In the cases when this happen's, i can really see the SPCM as a great thing for APB:R.


    I believe that there should be no extra power given to players from this, these should just be players that just simply want to help other players, nothing more, nothing less. You are going to have the dilemma of people with a title that others don't have, it will most probably automatically put them into a category of 'players different from other players cause they have a fancy title' but i'm not really sure on how you could go about that, i'm sure you guys could figure it out. 😛 


    A quick thought on how to go about this and implement it, why not link it to the forum. We have this new 'like' button at the bottom of each post so that anyone can react to it, use that and have people give the option of selecting a 'Helpful' reaction. With an X amount of helpful reaction's then BAM, you get a 'your kinda helpful ya know' message and with that you have a 'helper' or 'mentor' title to choose from now.


    I'm going into this expecting criticism, so please, criticise away. This might not even be needed consideration at this point in time, players are coming back but things will get much more popular(hopefully) when more content starts coming and players decide to stay.




    PS: if this makes no sense(probably will..), please move on and have a nice day o/ 

  2. There is already a Senketsu outfit from Kill la Kill in this thread but this was what i made way back when the anime came out, i'm surprised that I still have it. XD 

    Its one of the few that survived the years of outfit making, I made a pretty good Seifuku(sailor suit) from Angel Beats that i would really of liked to of kept.


    MOAR anime outfits ppl!



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  3. OH how much i enjoy the 2D art of the APB:R community! You guys rock!!


    I made this a long time ago, its of my old Enforcer.


    This was back before i went to University for Games Design so its really bad. Although i'm still bad now, I at least know what tools to use to help make a 'decent' drawing.[Graphics tablet and correct setting's in Photoshop]


    KEEP POSTING!! Let me admire all of your awesome art! o/





    This is the original:


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  4. Heya all! o/


    I'm pretty sure that the last time i posted in the old thread was about a year ago when i stopped playing APB:R.


    I have found the image i posted back then on the progress of my character. I could of easily made the character from scratch, animated, physics and in-engine by now. XD 

    Yet trying to rip a model, put it onto 3ds max and rig it really threw me..odd. I may pick it up again and start all over again.


    Good to see all you folks still at it helping Lemmings like me(maybe exclusively me) make awesome 3d models, rendered with cool poses.


    Keep it up people!! 




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  5. I'm pretty sure I used to participate in your races, mind you i did loads of stuff way back when, so i can't remember if i did or not. Plus it was also up to 8 years ago now, that's a lot to remember 


    It all seems to be starting up again, people are coming back. What else is good is that people set up these kind of events that keeps people playing, this is the side of APB:R that is Epic compared to other games.


    Loved watching your stuff when it was coming out, it'll be good to see these kind of things again. o/

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  6. Woot! I loved this topic. Its fashion time. 😄 Some great outfits so far guys!! Keep em' coming!


    Most of these are just different variations of the same outfit. I'm using a library of symbols i have made and then just make what i can from them, very modular. 









    This is an old image of when the Jericho first came out for the Crims, i made this because the body-kit looked rugged enough to be in the Gears of War universe. the character styled after is Samantha Byrne.


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