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Posts posted by hypergoob

  1. At this point in the life of APB where the community has become very stagnant and there is little to no growth, I think it is acceptable to consider the option of opening up the idea of community servers, mods, etc. The engine upgrade was a lovely idea that unfortunately seems like a heaping pile of problems, debugging and head scratching. I can understand frustration from both sides of the game, the community and the developers. I believe both have their equal voices in the debate of the future of APB as well. Quite frankly though, in the tradition of APB and customization being its greatest asset, I believe this further extends to the bounds of community driven servers as well as mods. I'm open to seeing what other people think in regards to this, and curious to see what will end up happening with this wonderful game.

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  2. 1 hour ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    The bright and orange one isn't RTW's actually, G1 did that at the very beginning.  RTW's was a lot brighter than that and it was hard to tell when it was actually night.  Early G1 looked the absolute best imo.

    Yeah someone else pointed that out in another post 🙂


    Edited my post to include a picture of actual RTW night time.

  3. I think the engine upgrade version of day time looks a lot better than both live client and RTW. The night time is kind of a tie though. I really like how the windows glow in RTW, but I also really like the new night time in the engine upgrade.




    The engine upgrade is similar to RTW but a lot less "blurry" which seems to happen because of the windows and lights glowing.

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