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Queen of Love

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Posts posted by Queen of Love

  1. On 2/2/2024 at 4:18 PM, Sgt Drayke said:

    "Kicked from server: anti cheat: corrupt or invalid backend message". 


    I Imagen this is what you might see.  Normally caused by a few basic things.  Any AV / AMW / ISp , monitoring firewalls etc. some have active protection that can block or restrict eac from working properly. Note that working properly includes detection of and access to the game.   Check that you have the correct rule set for eac and apb with in any firewall or protection software including os basic if you choose to use it.  


    Also , eac do have a tutorial on how to clear the eac cache / database and when you load the game it will reload the database.   Just be aware that sometimes when doing this may have the effect of being trade locked in game for the basic time. 

    Why EAC has all this complications?
    I want just play, dont become  a coder.
    Restore BE could be a lot better.


  2. For some reason Eac crash the game , kick out from district mission ,and send to login screen, with a message like " Corrupt message endgame".
    Please delete, for ever, EAC and restore BE. or FF.


  3. Add a command for Click and export in .Obj or FBX the customed model in customation window..
    Also with a little payment 😄 

  4. On 10/1/2023 at 7:50 PM, DarIeenko said:

    Hello, i know there is already a topic about this but I'd like to say my two cents on the subject as well as show you some elements concerning the latest bans.


    I know that a TGM  as well as dozens of other players have also been banned in the last month.

    Among them are casual players, silvers, veterans never accused of toxicity and/or cheating etc. and then there is me.

    These bans all or mostly EAC bans. However, as shown elsewhere they seem to be manual and for different reasons.

    Even today some people who rarely play APB, mature people, non-toxic players have been banned for cheating after years of never cheating or even being accused of cheating by the community. 

    Bans that we did not expect and that remove from the game that last healthy part that you had left of it, that is, people who can devote the right amount of time to a game, without arrogance or being competitive at all costs.


    One of this case is about a player that received an EAC ban despite then, in later conversations with Support, he discovered that the reason for his ban was not related to cheating but more for ingame violation (using a certain symbol) so why does he get banned by EAC? 


    I've contacted multiple of the banned players, to try and find out what kind of possible third party applications they were using and mostly what i got as an answer were VPNs which are allowed as far as i know. 

    About me, i have never used any kind of unapproved Programs and the only Program that i used before starting APB was Mudfish which helps me to avoid Packetloss.


    Since this affected a lot of Players I would like to have a statement from Matt and the LO team regarding this matter.

    We just would like to know if there is any investigation already ongoing? 


    @MattScott @Stitchly @Ritual @Sakebee 

    You are the next Darlene.


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