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Posts posted by wibsey

  1. On 3/21/2021 at 1:58 AM, Shimmer said:

    I remember the days when GM's would hang out in districts and ban hammer people on the spot, put people in time out for making barricades, or mute people for being overly vulgar.  I miss those days 😞

    I also remember Tiggs and other old GM's using said powers because they didn't agree with them.

  2. 10 hours ago, Algoz said:

    APB is safe until some company releases a game with a unique PVP and A LOT of customization.  People come back to check if there is something new...

    Development is very slow (due to their complicated process of delivering new features on this engine) and i feel that LO is being a little stubborn instead of listening to the community, we did not want RIOT, yet they delivered it with all the bugs and guess what? It's not fun, it's boring af

    Result: Old players did not enjoy it very much, new players.....well, no new players


    cyberpunk, I'll see y'all there.

  3. 4 minutes ago, WaIeed007 said:

    how about you make the fight clubs same as other districts? bronze - silver - gold ..so golds will play in silver without any problems and bronzes and silvers will play in Bronze fightclub

    because we don't want silver coming on the forums bitching about dethreaters in fightclub as well as mission district.

  4. 10 minutes ago, ❤ MonaSux ❤ said:

    i just came here to the forum to complain how much longer they need since q1 2014 ... but this is good too.


    This Game Is officially  Dead Now.... ..









    for me.

    All you do is complain and say it's dead, since 2014 at least. Yet you still come back...



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