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Posts posted by ChristmasElf

  1. Its about lags, the more speed the more desync. I told this before and ive been laughed at by the "pro, cool and popular guys". Or either you die when getting out the car at speed or slow it down to reasonable levels to get down, or otherwise you cant get out. Another one is ragdoll, take damage and be unable to attack after a few seconds depending on speed. Not really that hard to be creative.

    I said the same to switching hands, stop-aim-run in hip fire etc. All of quick movements create desync and should have been slowed down to reasonable levels, so people with acceptable ping can also play or buggy ghosting abuse movements would crap the game. "bUt mUh fAsT pAcEd gAeM..."

  2. 7 minutes ago, JunoSuzuki said:

    No they do what they want to do. Degrading people by badge color is lame by the way and ingame, well if you are not acting like a dork to people and say stuff that gets you cEnSoReD then you are fine, just be nice i guess.

    Not really the point... but degrading lower levels is a good thing since it push them to actually try to learn to play better. T. gamer for life since 3.

    Offering freedom in the game is the best thing that can happen to apb. 


    edit: for what ive been reading nothing chaged at all. Even the forums seem dead. Well ill come back in a few years lol, i hope they learn for once.

  3. 1 minute ago, JunoSuzuki said:

    You shouldnt consume too much social media it isn't healthy. As for the status of the engine upgrade just take a look here  


    I do not consume much since the people who manage it is disgusting. I been talking about ingame too.

    Do they keep doing what silvers say? Thats poor news honestly.

    8 minutes ago, xiphos said:

    you could just read the blogposts on the actual website


    anyways, in order: a report of recent information, no, no, no, this last question makes no sense

    Nah i like to read what players have to say. And  yes it makes sonse a lot of it.

  4. On 4/4/2020 at 3:30 PM, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    Let me step in here to provide some clarity.


    First, I want to say that I respect the OP’s opinion. I’m going to disagree in my answer, but I can appreciate the dialog this has raised on this thread.


    Next, I think it is important to remember that the game itself is rated M and has pre-existing references to prostitution and the term itself. I’m not going to start diluting RTW’s vision for a gritty world with mature themes.


    As has already been pointed out, the term refers to a male or female, and more importantly the title was meant to be more of a joke than anything since it refers to candy on Easter rather than prostitution. This is a case where I do think the OP is taking this a bit too seriously. Having said that, if you don’t approve of the term, you have agency on whether to apply the title to yourself or not.


    Lastly, the forums are PG-13, and have always had different rules than the game. Previous management felt the need to blacklist the term here, which I’ll respect for the time being. 




    Do not give atention to justice warriors, silence justice warriors if you want your game healthy.

    When you notice they will be fill forums and game with them complaining for every little thing pushing agenda they dont even understand.

  5. On 4/4/2020 at 10:56 AM, Boba said:

    So, as we all know out of all the legendaries out there, there are only a few that actually show some kind of stopping power/useful scenario cases, and we can see that direct inflicting their prices.


    And given the fact that all legendaries actually cost the same to buy their boxes, and all have the same drop rate, do you believe that lower end legendaries should have their specs adjusted to show some sort of resemblence to actually being a legendary weapon. Just before I get some replies I know I'll get if i don't point this out, I am not asking for legendary weapons to be more powerful than normal weapons, however, what I'm asking for is to make those low end (in terms of demand/price/usefulness) weapons to have an actual unique point of advantage.

    To add, some legendaries have had advantages that are no longer in the game (such as removing tracers) that are considered as an advantage and countered with a disadvantage, which leaves those weapons with practically more disadvantages than advantages.

    TLDR; Do you think legendaries should be balanced, but Useful & Unique in their own situations, not just different looking/sounding weapons?

    Sorry for the long post, if you read all what I've written, here's a heart ❤️

    It would be fair yes. But there are reasons why not to do it... business one, knowing what is best or not will affect it.

  6. 13 minutes ago, greenfield said:

    Most useless thread ever. (nothing would happen, they would still beat the s*it outta you)

    What if two pros, one use low config and the other high, face each other? Thats the point.

    • Like 1

  7. There never been need to balance guns, people never undertood how to use them.

    And as i said multiple times, enviroment matters for gyns to be more or less useful.


    All weapons have variants in their role and range works. Lets put an example in pointman guns under 30 meters:

    -Very close range: shotguns (there are also variations).

    -Close to mid range: oca and variations of it.

    -Mid to long range: pmg.

    This happens with almost every other gun roles, thats why balance cant be achieved and shouldnt be achieved.


    Dividing guns in more categories (and this is something no one usually say), there are the guns that work for high ping players like are the ones with fast fire rate, and poor damage. Thats why youll see complaining about weapons not being usefull, its the ping playing against them and the incorrect weapon usage.


    And so on. Theres much to talk about weapons but this is something varely anyone understand nor even developers and thats why they mess everything non stop. Check your guns and check your enviroment, weapons are not meant to be balanced but work under specific circumstances.


    Understand that once for all please.

    And yes, i am not saying that the new guns they been releasing are not useless.


    I would extent but i know my advice will go to waste and im on phone.




    Understand please, this is the truest thing youll read here and multiple games.

    • Like 1

  8. 11 minutes ago, Frosi said:

    Absolutely no one is saying "give me this for free" I've got a shit ton of premium left myself but I simply realize the fact that the current end game progression is absolutely overtuned for players without premium and that its unhealthy for a free to play game to ask players to invest 500+ hours into maxing a character if they refuse to pay for premium.

    I played for free many years and i didnt have a single problem, even enjoyed the game. You are pulling all of this from your behind.

  9. On 4/3/2020 at 9:51 AM, Frosi said:

    Honestly, I think the standing bonus from Premium should become available to all players and instead of extra standing Premium players get the minimum threshhold from Jokertickets upped from something like 3 to 6.


    I don't think the progression of APB is in a healthy state for players that don't want to spend 10$ a month just so they can progress their character at a reasonable speed. It took me 300~ hours of playing missions to max a character and that is with premium while also winning the vast majority of my missions.

    Prem is the worthest thing investing into. Stop.


    It could be really worth but g1 broke certain features that made it more desireable.

    You really need to stop this trend "gib fri stuf pls or i dun pley". At much players that spend real cash should be able to sell for apb$ (this really works in f2p games but matt didnt care in this fact i gave him) but NOT FOR FREE.

    On 4/4/2020 at 6:06 AM, Queen of Love said:

    also with premium i dont see a great increase in rank progression, with an average of 2w/4m.

    premium should boost at least 4x exp .

    I see your opinions as worth as you supporting genocide in your discord channel. You even banned me for pointing it out. You are awful person with awful opinions.



  10. 11 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Oddly enough, no matter how far I OC'd my i7 it made no difference in performance.

    APB is a strange beast.

    Also, Im probably upgrading my rig in the next month so I'll have free parts if anyone needs em.

    Wew i wish i lived near you xD

  11. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    That actually brings up an important point:



    These are our two CPUs (apologies if the Black Edition is different, Im not familiar with AMD at all)

    This clearly shows that the i7 SHOULD outperform the AMD, but that isn't the case with APB.


    Assuming you are correct about your performance (you can easily benchmark to be sure), this shows just how poorly APB performs even on "new-ish" hardware... hell I cant even play on max graphics because I have an RTX card and APB crashes.

    It was a joke... i know i7 is way more powerful than 965 be (3.6 oc). 

  12. 6 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    They woud still wipe the floor with us regardless of config or weapons or anything else.

    Good players will always beat worse players.


    That being said, configs aren't about extra FPS. Configs are about reducing stutters, frame drops, and freezing.

    Its not about getting a competitive edge (I can give you a config if you want to see for yourself), configs (and advanced launcher) are about making the game less frustrating to play.


    For anyone curious as to what the differences are in hard numbers, here are my benchmarked stats. (done using the same software we use to benchmark 3.5) :





    The difference in MAX FPS is about 13fps.
    The difference in MIN FPS is about 70fps.





    oh and PS- if like me you have an RTX card, or some 16xx series cards, you literally cannot run the game on max graphics as it causes out of memory errors, crashing your game





    My 965 x4 be runs better than your i7 lol. You should learn to build pc bud.

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