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Posts posted by Nainakai

  1. On 6/3/2020 at 8:33 PM, Darkzero3802 said:

    Matt. APB has had a SERIOUS scripting, macro, bot problem well before LO took over the game and its never been resolved to this day. There is a hardline community of people in APB who feel using these makes them good and that ruining gameplay for others isnt a problem. Asking these people to play fair is like asking a brick wall to move, its just not going to happen.


    Another problem is having the option to change the fire button, many people change it to the scroll wheel so tap fire guns can be fired easier and they dont need to click the mouse button over and over. This makes the gun fire faster then what many can achieve by clicking the mouse button over and over and it makes an unfair advantage for those who dont use it, and can at times be a false positive for a macro. An easy fix for this is making the fire button locked as left click. This makes a level playing field for everyone as most new players dont know about this as well as moves a false positive element and will make spotting cheaters easier for players and staff. This can be done now without needing the engine upgrade.

    What if you're left-handed..?

  2. Westford to the rescue!


     Also, I do share this guy's sentiment somewhat when it comes to being scared of logging in some times.


    I use the advanced APB launcher, simply because when I played back in '11-13, the game looked fantastic, and without the advanced launcher, the game looks like utter trash in comparison to back then, and actually hurts my eyes.


    Little do I care for the stutters I gain by turning everything up to max, I want my game to look great, I don't care so much about the affect it has on my performance, but if EAC flags me, I am wicked scared of the result, simply because of the amount of cash that's on the line. 😶

  3. 19 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    We are back online. 


    We are still short servers to put threat back in. I’m anticipating we’ll have those online by Friday the 31st.

    We're drastically short on population as well, I and a lot of other people ain't so sure it's a good idea to bring this back just yet despite servers available. 
     There has to actually be people to face in those districts, and Jericho has been severely lacking of late. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    Hiding the colors won't have that effect. Instead of just giving up instantly, the player will instead give up after going in 2-3 times. Which is worse, because it has a significantly higher "I wasted my time" impact on the psyche, which will result in faster burnout on the game.


    It's pretty much a no-win situation. Could've been avoided if the game wasn't mismanaged so hideously badly over the years though.


    At least there would be more people trying, instead of instantly re-logging or giving up. I've sat in missions that took half an hour simply because the op never showed up, but decided to stay hidden or run away at the end while I completed the objectives. Tell me how that is not even more of a waste of time.. 

     Granted, I'm guilty of that same thing when I've had a profound amount of matches where I'm at a loss of what to do against what I most of the time refer to as godlike players, and I'm a "gold" myself with thousands of hours into this game.. go figure.

     Threat segregation looks good on paper now, but as I edited into my last post > It requires population, which we currently do not have.

  5. After reading this entire thread ( thus far ), the only conclusion I arrive at is that we simply need to remove the colors all together, simply because of the demotivating factor.

     People still abandon matches before they begin simply because they see what color their team mates sit at; People give up completely if they get faced against a full stack of golds,
    that has to stop happening. 

     The fact that some pre-made groups never get op, is because of people abandoning "low threat" team mates, thus the grouped players won't be levied against them most of the time.


    While I am for threat districts to be re-enabled, that in it self would require a more healthy population; Jericho would die out if it were to happen.

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