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Everything posted by PotatoeGirl

  1. What do you mean "suddenly"? Was there a time it didn't have cheats?
  2. Too bad there is nobody who can keep the players inside it.
  3. I have already posted it in another thread. It is the only type of media coverage this game will ever get nowadays.
  4. Here is more stuff while we are on the topic:
  5. Yes. That is the point. It didn't bankrupt the company even when it is bad.
  6. I won't be so sure abut that. Considering the update hasn't changed visually since G1 times, it is actually questionable how much work has been done.
  7. The biggest irony is that the game actually feels much better than gta online.
  8. Idk, mate. I just came out of a game where cheaters crashed the official server nonstop until they forced it to close just to make ppl to play their own private servers. I don't think the code is bad (maybe some parts are) but the main issue is probably because it is too optimized to make a game like this to even run well on U3 engine. So I can imagine a lot of corners had to be cut just to make the game run fine. I am still impressed that they were able to pull off terrain streaming in such a heavy engine for its time. The reason the game is such a mess right now is simply because building on top of a code that is not fully understood. The fact that the companies that came after couldn't reproduce the same level of performance in their engine update builds just show how much more advanced the coding of the original game is.
  9. You mean 2014 nah. It just have been too long and it is always the same story. I woudl gladly make a permanent return if the game gets back on track.
  10. You give this community too much credits. With all the cheaters this game has, the first thing that will happen after code is shared will be private servers popping all over the place.
  11. Considering barely anyone even plays it, I doubt that is even a possibility unless it is a sequel on a modern engine. Because it is not making money anymore? It has been how many years since the purchase?
  12. With the game being almost dead, can they even afford to ban anyone unless someone is hacking?
  13. I just remembered something. What happened with the game being almost done? How does one ends up from being almost done to starting all over?
  14. Because the community are those ppl. I remember suggesting this years ago. Apparently any changes on the matchmaking (or anything in general) is held back until the engine update (that also doesn't seems to be coming anytime soon).
  15. Ah it grows so fast.... only 200 ppl on citadel just yesterday
  16. yeah but he dies and I don't + he also gets assist thanks to me. is it? pretty sure I killed only one and get insta kicked by the team leader.
  17. If the goal is to make it as optimized as the live version the hardest part just begins. Even if they half the quality, it probably still won't run as well as the current version.
  18. Well, right now I just wait for my teammate to die and then I finish off the opponent one when they are on low hp. Easy kill for me and makes me look good but a wasteful way to play the game.
  19. Then just leave the the explosives as they are. They are in way more limited quantity anyway.
  20. Why even waste your time replaying if not going to read anything after the title of the thread?
  21. It is so fun trying to kill the other guy when a teammate jumps on the line of fire and dies in one hit and the team leader kicks you out of the mission. Is it really so hard just to make allies act like walls and absorbing billets without taking damage? If the game still had traces it woudl have been less of a issue but it still doesn't.
  22. Maybe that is how you did it but I am not so desperate to beg for groups. The game shouldn't require groups just to be played. Today I saw few greenies and trainees and just made me wonder how long it will take before they uninstall and get back to fortnite or whatever after getting stomped few times. Yeah, this is one of the most toxic communities. When they are not flirting with you they are just being mad.
  23. I came back after 6 years of waiting and it is still not done xD
  24. Well, no wonder why the population is low. Why do you assume ppl only want to play in groups? If that was the case there wouldn't be shortage of groups getting matched with other groups. That is exactly why it is a problem. If groups have huge advantage what is even the point of playing the game if you always going to lose anyway?
  25. As I said in the first post, removal is not a necessity as long as it is a separate district. Also it may be shocking for you but most new players in games are usually solos who are just testing the water. There are in fact only few groups running in a district at a time which is why I get matched with the same ones few games in a row even if I wait a solid amount of time between matches.
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