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Posts posted by Shozonu

  1. Even though I played the heck out of Gold Rush, I don't really want to see it return in the same form. Having people in the mission who are not even gold join the gold district (that is otherwise dead 99% of the time) benefiting from other golds on basically no part of their own, rubs me the wrong way. Especially when Golds were then threat-locked to their own district. 

    There was also the flood of complaints about people's mission counts. People were counting their wins for the event, but I don't think most of them realized G1 were not going to count missions that looked suspect. This effectively meant that games that "felt" too easy were not counted. This meant that missions that ended too fast, opp that didn't seem like they tried...honestly, I don't know exactly how they determined what was a valid mission. I just know that I tallied my missions and put missions that felt questionable in a different tally. In the end, I aimed for the 100 mission tier reward, so I did missions until my safe tally was above 100, which ended up being 102 out of 115ish missions. I checked with support afterwards and they said I had 103 points for the event, so I guess my judgement was pretty accurate.

  2. 1 hour ago, Hexerin said:

    Rather than discontinue gameplay streams entirely, I would suggest something else. Create a special district type that you can spin up on command, that must be manually selected from the existing advanced district selection menu. This special district would exist specifically for Little Orbit staff to enter into and play against the normal populace using the standard action district rules. No special treatment for anyone, etc. The staff member wouldn't be allowed to directly group with anyone, but would still be able to get teammates from the matchmaking as per the usual. Normal players would be able to join this district while it's active, and would have the possibility of being matched with/against the staff member(s) while in it. As they would have to intentionally join this district, there is no basis for any complaints like we've seen around this incident.

    So like a solo queue district?

    I feel outright disallowing devs from doing PvP is too heavy-handed. I like that Lixil is trying to get more engaged with the community, they just have to make sure to not step on any toes in the future.

  3. I gotta say, I don't like half these changes.


    I appreciate that they're trying to balance the HVR, but I don't think linking the damage to the accuracy will fix it. Not to mention that this change sounds like it will effect all snipers, as indicated by "...general changes to sniper and shotgun categories." While it may help reduce its effectiveness in close range (quickswitch), its effectiveness in any range past like 10m will remain unchanged because people already need to stand still for about a second before the HVR's accuracy allows them to hit past short range. Linking the damage to the accuracy, in this case, doesn't do anything.



    The shotgun changes sound unnecessary, but I suppose it's not too bad if the damage change isn't big. For making it more forgiving, fine, but I don't agree with changes to how shotguns work for the sake of compensating for server performance.



    Giving the Misery more overkill damage sounds good, but changing the accuracy curve sounds dubious. I hope that by "tap-fire" they actually mean "burst-fire," because that's the original intent of the gun. Similarly for the Cobra, I really hope they don't remove the accuracy curve on the Cobra.

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  4. Changing character genders is not possible.

    I believe a dev said it's because character clothing doesn't cleanly convert to the other gender (and some are too different/exclusive), so it's not a simple flip of a switch.

  5. I would like to see it expanded, but not at the expense of diminishing the relative benefits of premium. Maybe when there are enough resources, LO could give a global expansion to customization limits, and increase the limit even more for premium players.



    I'm glad the music editor is completely unlocked, though. Maybe in the future, introduce new instrument samples that can be purchased/unlocked.

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